Friday, 31 May 2019
UK: ICSA consults on the effectiveness of the independent evaluation of listed company boards

board evaluation,
board of directors,
Thursday, 30 May 2019
UK: IA report - Shareholder votes on dividend distributions in UK listed companies

The IA's sample contained 628 companies: the constituents of the FTSE All-Share as at 1 January 2018 that held an AGM between 1 December 2017 and 30 November 2018. This sample included 98 FTSE 100 companies, 249 FTSE 250 companies and 281 FTSE SmallCap companies. The IA found that of those companies paying dividends, 22% did not seek shareholder approval. The majority of such distributions were interim dividends: 92% of companies not seeking a shareholder resolution were distributing interim dividends only.
The IA's findings lead it to call on companies to publish a distribution policy, in respect of which the IA will establish a working group to develop best practice guidance. The group will also consider whether there should be a mandatory vote on this policy and/or yearly distributions. The guidance is expected in the autumn this year.
* - See, for example, Article 70 of the Model Articles for Public Companies - available here.
companies act 2006,
general meeting,
shareholder rights,
China: guidelines for the articles of association of listed companies

Wednesday, 29 May 2019
UK: The Companies (Directors’ Remuneration Policy and Directors’ Remuneration Report) Regulations 2019

The Regulations implement, in part, Directive (EU) 2017/828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement. More specifically, the Regulations will implement elements of articles 9a ("Right to vote on the remuneration policy") and 9b ("Information to be provided in and right to vote on the remuneration report") of the Directive to the extent that they are not already part of UK law. Further information can be found in the accompanying explanatory memorandum (here, pdf) and transposition note (here, pdf).
Saudi Arabia: CMA publishes amended Corporate Governance Regulations

Tuesday, 28 May 2019
IOSCO consultation report - Issues, Risks and Regulatory Considerations Relating to Crypto-Asset Trading Platforms

trading platform
Friday, 24 May 2019
Belgium: the new 2020 Belgian Code on Corporate Governance

UK: FRC plan and budget 2019/20

stewardship code,
uk corporate governance code
UK: England and Wales: fraudulent trading and directors' duties

The judgment is noteworthy in providing examples of the breach of section 172 ("Duty to promote the success of company") of the 2006 Act as well as fraudulent trading. The trial judge also recognised, in the context of the fraudulent trading claim under section 213, that the test for dishonesty was as set out by the Supreme Court in Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd [2017] UKSC 67.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Australia: perceptions of audit quality among professional investors

The report is available on the FRC and AUASB websites. The report I accessed today on the FRC website was watermarked throughout as a 'confidential draft' whereas the report published on the AUASB website was not. The link provided above is to the report on the AUASB website.
audit quality measures,
auditing standards,
IFIAR publishes annual audit inspections survey

Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Germany: new edition of German Corporate Governance Code published

UK: Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill - pre-legislative scrutiny report published

UK: Scotland: The Companies Act 2006 (Scottish public sector companies to be audited by the Auditor General for Scotland) Order 2019

auditor general,
companies act 2006,
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
New Zealand: audit quality - perceptions and expectations

audit quality measures,
new zealand
BCBS report on implementation of the Basel III standards

Thursday, 16 May 2019
UK: England and Wales: Ofwat consultation - licencing and mandatory governance requirements

board of directors,
england and wales,
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
UK: The Proxy Advisors (Shareholders’ Rights) Regulations 2019

This instrument transposes Article 3j of the revised EU Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II) into UK law, in line with the UK’s obligations as a member of the EU. Article 3j of SRD II places requirements on proxy advisors, which primarily offer voting services and/or advice to shareholders in publicly listed companies, to make certain disclosures about the way in which they conduct their business".
Under the framework being introduced by the Regulations, the Financial Conduct Authority will become responsible for enforcing the new requirements placed on proxy advisors, including the obligation to disclose publicly the code of conduct* that has been adopted (with an explanation provided if a code is not adopted). Proxy advisors will be required to notify the FCA if they fall within the new framework and the FCA will maintain a public list.
* - The BPP Group is currently revising its Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research. The review is expected to be completed next month; an update on the review was published last month: see here.
proxy advisor,
shareholder rights,
shareholder rights directive,
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Isle of Man: corporate governance requirements for insurance intermediaries

financial regulation,
insurance intermediaries,
isle of man
Monday, 13 May 2019
UK: KPMG Report - Executive Remuneration in AIM Listed Companies

Friday, 10 May 2019
Singapore: the new variable capital company framework - further consultation

Myanmar: recommendations to improve corporate governance practices

The report, which surveyed companies before the new Companies Law came into force, notes that governance practices are at a "nascent stage" of development. A large number of recommendations for improvement are made, including the development of a corporate governance code (to operate on the "comply or explain" basis). Other recommendations seek improvements in the quality and quantity of the information that is disclosed; improvements in monitoring and enforcement powers are also suggested.
Thursday, 9 May 2019
UK: England and Wales: directors and officers insurance was capable of recovery through service charge

The Upper Tribunal held that the provision in the lease covering the insurance expenses that could be recovered as part of the service charge - “Effecting insurance against the liability of the Lessor to third parties and against such other risks and in such amount as the Lessor shall think fit (but not against the liability of individual tenants as occupiers of the flats in the Building).” - could not be given a wide interpretation whereby "the liability of the Lessor" included the liability of its directors and officers. It held, however, that this provision contemplated the Lessor company obtaining insurance against liabilities of persons other than itself and that, in the context of the case, without insurance cover for the directors it would be difficult to find individuals willing to act as such or for the company to function at all.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Ghana: The Companies Act 2019

Australia: ACSI calls for Stewardship Code for all institutional investors

UK: The AIC Code of Governance for Investment Companies

Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Malaysia: Securities Commission publishes inaugural corporate governance monitor report

board diversity,
board of directors,
Monday, 6 May 2019
UK: Government consultation 'Corporate Transparency and Registration Reform'

Views are sought on extending the powers of Companies House so that it can query information that is filed, seek further evidence and share information with other agencies. The paper also seeks views on proposals to limit the power, under section 392 of the Companies Act 2006, to shorten a company's accounting reference period; this mechanism, the paper states, is being used abusively by some in order to delay the availability of financial information.
The press release accompanying the consultation paper carries the headline "Companies House reforms consultation launched today" but it is important to note that the paper also seeks views on aspects of company law not immediately obvious from this focus on Companies House. The best example of this is a question that may well prove controversial: should there be a cap on the number of directorships that one person can hold? The paper states: "...it unlikely that a person could reasonably be considered to be performing their duties as a company director where they are holding large numbers of directorships ... The government is therefore considering the introduction of a cap on the number of directorships that an individual may hold concurrently" (at para. 237).
Views are also sought on the extension of section 124A of the Insolvency Act 1986 - which provides that the Secretary of State may seek to wind-up a company or limited liability partnership on public interest grounds - to limited partnerships. This suggestion follows other proposals published last year on the reform of limited partnership law: see here (pdf).
Friday, 3 May 2019
UK: LAPFF survey of workforce engagement methods under the UK Corporate Governance Code

Earlier this week, LAPFF published a report - see here (pdf) - in which it explained the results of its research exploring whether and how companies propose to comply with this new provision on engagement. The headline finding is that two-thirds of companies in the survey have said that they will comply and, of these companies, the majority will appoint a designated non-executive director.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Canada: the CBCA and the 'best interests of the corporation'

One of these will amend section 122 ("Duty of care of directors and officers"), which provides (in subsection (1)) that "Every director and officer of a corporation in exercising their powers and discharging their duties shall (a) act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the corporation; and (b) exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances".
A new subsection - 122(1.1) - will be added titled "Best interests of the corporation" and this will state:
When acting with a view to the best interests of the corporation under paragraph (1)(a), the directors and officers of the corporation may consider, but are not limited to, the following factors:
(a) the interests of (i) shareholders, (ii) employees, (iii) retirees and pensioners, (iv) creditors, (v) consumers, and (vi) governments;
(b) the environment; and
(c) the long-term interests of the corporation.
directors' duties,
good faith
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
UK: Tax Tribunal decides that preference shares were part of company's ordinary share capital

The shares in question gave a right to a dividend and no other rights to share in the profits. This right was set out in the articles of association as follows:
“In priority to any other class of shares, each Preference Share shall have the right to a fixed cumulative preferential dividend (“the Preference Dividend”) which shall accrue on a daily basis from the dividend commencement date at the rate of 10 per cent per annum on the aggregate of (i) the subscription price of such Preference Share and (ii) the aggregate amount of Preference Dividend that has previously compounded and not yet paid. The Preference Dividend accruing on each Preference Share shall be compounded on each anniversary of its dividend commencement date to the extent not previously paid.”
Did these shares give a right to a dividend at a fixed rate? Mr Warshaw's counsel argued that because the rate of dividend was calculated by reference to any previously unpaid dividends, the preference shares did not have a right to a dividend at a fixed rate. Counsel for HMRC argued that there was a right to a dividend at a fixed rate because the rate at which the dividends were paid remained fixed at 10% even if the base in respect of which they were paid varied.
Judge Brooks agreed with Mr Warshaw's counsel and allowed the taxpayer's appeal: Mr Warshaw was, therefore, entitled to entrepreneur's relief because his preference shares fell within the definition of "ordinary share capital" under section 989. Judge Brooks stated: "if, as in the present case, at the time the preference shares are issued the Articles of Association provide that only one of these, the percentage element, is fixed and the amount to which that percentage is to be applied may vary, those shares cannot be regarded as having a right to a dividend at a fixed rate and are therefore ordinary share capital as defined by s 989 ITA" (para. [19]).
An appeal by HMRC seems inevitable.
entrepreneurs relief,
income tax,
preference shares,
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