Monday, 28 February 2011
Australia: Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011

directors remuneration,
UK: gender diversity and FTSE100 non-executive board appointments

board diversity,
chief executive,
non-executive director,
UK: the duty to keep accounting records - ICAEW guidance for directors published

companies act 2006,
directors' duties,
Friday, 25 February 2011
Taiwan: ACGA corporate governance white paper

board of directors,
general meeting,
shareholder rights,
Thursday, 24 February 2011
UK: women on boards - Lord Davies' report

- All Chairmen of FTSE 350 companies should set out the percentage of women they aim to have on their boards in 2013 and 2015. FTSE 100 boards should aim for a minimum of 25% female representation by 2015 and we expect that many will achieve a higher figure. Chairmen should announce their aspirational goals within the next six months (by September 2011). Also we expect all Chief Executives to review the percentage of women they aim to have on their Executive Committees in 2013 and 2015.
- Quoted companies should be required to disclose each year the proportion of women on the board, women in Senior Executive positions and female employees in the whole organisation.
- The Financial Reporting Council should amend the UK Corporate Governance Code to require listed companies to establish a policy concerning boardroom diversity, including measurable objectives for implementing the policy, and disclose annually a summary of the policy and the progress made in achieving the objectives.
- Companies should report on the matters in recommendations 1, 2 and 3 in their 2012 Corporate Governance Statement whether or not the underlying regulatory changes are in place. In addition, Chairmen will be encouraged to sign a charter supporting the recommendations.
- In line with the UK Corporate Governance Code provision B2.4 “A separate section of the annual report should describe the work of the nomination committee, including the process it has used in relation to board appointments”. Chairmen should disclose meaningful information about the company’s appointment process and how it addresses diversity in the company’s annual report including a description of the search and nominations process.
- Investors play a critical role in engaging with company boards. Therefore investors should pay close attention to recommendations 1-5 when considering company reporting and appointments to the board.
- We encourage companies periodically to advertise non-executive board positions to encourage greater diversity in applications.
- Executive search firms should draw up a Voluntary Code of Conduct addressing gender diversity and best practice which covers the relevant search criteria and processes relating to FTSE 350 board level appointments.
- In order to achieve these recommendations, recognition and development of two different populations of women who are well-qualified to be appointed to UK boards needs to be considered: [a] executives from within the corporate sector, for whom there are many different training and mentoring opportunities; and [2] women from outside the corporate mainstream, including entrepreneurs, academics, civil servants and senior women with professional service backgrounds, for whom there are many fewer opportunities to take up corporate board positions. A combination of entrepreneurs, existing providers and individuals needs to come together to consolidate and improve the provision of training and development for potential board members.
- A steering board will meet every six months to consider progress against these measures and will report annually with an assessment of whether sufficient progress is being made.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
USA: engagement between shareholders and corporations

The study reveals both consensus and dissonance. There is broad consensus that engagement between issuers and investors is common and increasing both in terms of frequency and subject areas; that engagement is expanding beyond financial and strategic issues and "traditional" governance topics to include more environmental and social issues; that issues related to executive compensation remain atop the agenda; and that engagement is evolving as increasingly sophisticated investors demand more detailed information on all of these topics. Yet engagement also means different things to different people: while some use the term to refer to a campaign to persuade a company to change its behavior, others (particularly issuers themselves) classify routine conversations with investors about financial results as engagement as well. The study also reveals some distinct differences between investors and issuers in terms of the time frame of engagements and the definition of a successful engagement".
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
UK: Scotland: employee owed fiduciary duty

Australia: strengthening 'say on pay' - 'two strikes and re-election'

The ‘first strike’ occurs where a company’s remuneration report receives a ‘no’ vote of 25 per cent or more. Where this occurs, the company’s subsequent remuneration report must explain whether shareholders’ concerns have been taken into account, and either how they have been taken into account or why they have not been taken into account. The ‘second strike’ occurs where the company’s subsequent remuneration report receives a ‘no’ vote of 25 per cent or more. Where this occurs, shareholders will vote at the same AGM to determine whether the directors will need to stand for re-election within 90 days. If this resolution passes with 50 per cent or more of eligible votes cast, then the ‘spill meeting’ will take place within 90 days".
The consultation period ended last month. Consultation responses were published today: see here.
directors remuneration,
Monday, 21 February 2011
UK: Scotland: the scope of the unfair prejudice remedy

UK: gender diversity on listed company boards - Lord Davies' report due this week

Lord Davies is quoted in the Observer's report:
Chairmen have got to be more creative in looking for talented women ... Shareholders have not put enough pressure on boards and on chairmen on this issue. Institutional investors should be asking more questions about this at annual general meetings".
In the Telegraph he is quoted thus:
The reason I am not in favour of quotas is when you talk to the vast majority of women they are against it. Only 11pc of the submissions that we had were in favour of quotas. So I think the vast majority of women are vehemently opposed. I think there is a danger of it smacking of tokenism and board appointments should be based on merit. The best way is collective responsibility to tackle a serious problem. We want to see real execution of change in the next year or so. That will be a better achievement. However if we don't do it then the Government has the threat of quotas and that should be enough".
Italy: board diversity of Italian listed companies

Friday, 18 February 2011
Sweden: Governance Board position paper on EU corporate governance reform

Thursday, 17 February 2011
UK: reform of the financial regulatory framework - further consultation paper published

bank of england,
financial regulation,
financial services,
uk fsa
Europe: the EU corporate governance framework - Commission green paper due in April

UK: consultation published - reforms to the regulation of insolvency practitioners

Switzerland: the role of the auditor in banking regulation

financial regulation,
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
UK: first company convicted of new offence of corporate manslaughter

Egypt: new private sector governance code published

UK: the Code of Governance for Credit Unions

Tuesday, 15 February 2011
UK: England and Wales: partnership can be a defendant under Protection from Harassment Act (1997)

It would ... drive a coach and horses through the Act if unincorporated bodies, including partnerships, could not be at least civilly liable for harassment. It would be particularly surprising if protesters, who associate themselves into groups of unincorporated bodies, could evade liability by the device of making partners of one another".
unincorporated association
Europe: Court of Justice on employee claims in insolvency

A provision of national law which excluded an employee from entitlement under the guarantee of payment of employees’ outstanding claims in the event of their employer’s insolvency, on the ground that the employee within the six months preceding the application for a declaration of insolvency had been the owner of an essential part of the undertaking or business concerned and had had a considerable influence on it activities, was compatible with Parliament and Council Directive 2008/94/EC relating to the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer".
UK: FRC chief executive on the future of auditing

Monday, 14 February 2011
UK: gender diversity on listed company boards

Nigeria: new Code published by SEC

Friday, 11 February 2011
Europe: Commission progress report - regulating financial services for sustainable growth

financial regulation,
financial services,
risk management
Europe: draft auditing Directive due in November

Thursday, 10 February 2011
UK: auditors and supervisors - FSA/Bank of England draft code published

bank of england,
financial regulation,
uk fsa
UK: remuneration disclosure by banks

executive pay,
financial services,
UK: financial regulation - detailed proposals next week

bank of england,
financial regulation,
financial services,
uk fsa
Europe: short selling measures in Member States - ESMA update
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Deloitte report published - Women in the Boardroom: a Global Perspective
The report provides a useful starting point for further research although it contains omissions. For example, with regard to the UK, there is no mention of the work being done by Lord Davies (recommendations are expected this month) and, in respect of Belgium, there is no mention of the recent proposals put forward by the Belgium Corporate Governance Committee with regard to board diversity. It is also worth noting, with regard to Canada, that a Board of Directors Gender Parity Bill (S-206) is currently before Parliament. However, the Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce recommended that the Bill should not proceed further in the Senate: see here. The Committee's report was received in Senate on 3 February and was due to be considered yesterday (the record of debate, Hansard, will in due course be available here).
board diversity,
board of directors,
new zealand,
Chile: OECD review of corporate governance

Tuesday, 8 February 2011
UK: financial regulation reform - update from the FSA chief executive on transition to the new regime

financial regulation,
financial services,
uk fsa
UK: Scotland: Court of Session considers Re Duomatic principle and directors' entitlement to remuneration

... if in fact all of the shareholders agree to a particular proposal which is honest and within the powers of the company it should be regarded as having been agreed to, even although assent is not signified by a formal vote in general meeting and even if assent is given by different parties at different times. But there must have been a proposal of which all parties were aware and it must have been agreed to".
duomatic principle,
Monday, 7 February 2011
Europe: the Commission's audit policy green paper - responses published

Friday, 4 February 2011
UK: England and Wales: valuing shares and the most recent accounts

Update (14 February 2011): a copy of the Court of Appeal decision has now been published on BAILII: see here.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
UK: Commons Treasury Committee publishes financial regulation report

The Committee notes, amongst other things, that the Government's timetable is ambitious and that the legislation creating the new structure should be subject to pre-legislative scrutiny over a reasonable timescale. The Committee welcomes the creation of the Independent Commission on Banking and suggests that the Government wait until the Commission has reported later this year before reaching conclusions on financial regulation.
Bermuda: Monetary Authority to develop governance code for banks

financial regulation,
financial services
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
UK: governance of retail firms - FSA guidance and consultation

board of directors,
directors' duties,
non-executive director,
uk fsa
UK: the composition of remuneration committees

... the Financial Reporting Council continues actively to consider a range of ideas for improving corporate governance, and of course in recent months there has been the UK Stewardship Code and a revision of the UK Corporate Governance Code. I think that the Financial Reporting Council listens to all good ideas for improving corporate governance and is actively on the case".
Australia: directors' duties, corporate opportunities and laches

directors' duties,
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
UK: company reporting of risk and uncertainties - FRRP expresses concern

business review,
companies act 2006,
financial reporting,
UK: England and Wales: court grants FSA's application for winding-up of three companies

Update (1 Feb 2011): a summary of the decision has been provided by the ICLR as part of its WLR Daily service: see here.
england and wales,
uk fsa,
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