Last week the Securities Commission published its corporate governance strategic priorities for 2021-2023: see here. An overview is provided in the below video (or by clicking here).
Last week the Securities Commission published its corporate governance strategic priorities for 2021-2023: see here. An overview is provided in the below video (or by clicking here).
Last week - a week ago today, in fact - the Court of Appeal delivered its judgment in Loveridge v Loveridge [2021] EWCA Civ 1697. I note the decision here because of the discussion it contains regarding the scope of equitable constraints in the context of claims for unfair prejudice under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006. One of the alleged equitable constraints related to the circumstances in which a director could be required to repay a loan received from the company. Mrs Justice Falk (with whom Nugee and Bean LJJ agreed) stated (at para. [95]):
"As Lord Hoffmann explained in O'Neill v Phillips at p. 1099F-G, 'a balance has to be struck between the breadth of the discretion given to the court and the principle of legal certainty'. In circumstances where a loan is interest free and legally repayable either immediately or on demand, it seems to me that the court should be very reluctant to impose equitable constraints that, if recognised, would fetter the exercise of directors' duties and could in reality significantly impair the value of the chose in action that the loans represent".
Judgment was delivered today by the Court of Appeal in R v Hunter v [2021] EWCA Crim 1785, a case concerning what has become known as 'ticket touting'. The judgment is now a leading authority on the scope of the fraudulent trading offence found in section 993 of the Companies Act 2006. Section 993(1) provides: "If any business of a company is carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or creditors of any other person, or for any fraudulent purpose, every person who is knowingly a party to the carrying on of the business in that manner commits an offence".
In considering the scope of section 993, the court rejected the following arguments: that an intention to deceive is a necessary component of the offence; that the conduct must involve deliberately putting another person's property in jeopardy; that section 993 should be construed as being subject to the common law limitations applicable to the offence of conspiracy to defraud. Moreover, the court observed (para. [120]):
The focus upon purpose means that the law is prophylactic. A fraudulent purpose might be proven before anyone is actually defrauded or becomes an actual victim of the fraud. In the present case if the Prosecution had charged the defendants after they had acquired the relevant bots and other software and the multiple credit cards and had set up a system for using an array of false identifies, but before the defendants had put that system into operation and used it to trick ticket vendors into selling them tickets and/or to place end consumers at risk, then the offence would still have been committed even though there was no actual fraud and no actual harm to end consumers and therefore no victims. A fraudulent purpose would still be in existence and business acts to achieve that purpose would have been carried out. Of course, evidence of implementation might afford powerful additional evidence of the fraudulent purpose, but implementation of a fraudulent purpose is not an essential ingredient of the offence".
The Financial Reporting Council has published the latest edition of its annual review of corporate governance reporting: see here (pdf). Accompanying the report is a podcast in which members of the FRC discuss the report's key themes: see here (mp3). The report sets out the FRC's expectations for reporting across the five sections of the UK Corporate Governance Code, and identifies areas where improvement is required - notably the disclosures relating to non-compliance with the Code, diversity and succession planning.
The Law Commission has published a paper in which it sets out its view that the law of England and Wales is able to facilitate and support the use of smart legal contracts; moreover, in its view, current legal principles apply to smart contracts in largely the same way as they do in respect of traditional contracts. The Commission's paper is available here.
The company's dissolution had been deferred until 13 May 2025 (dissolution would ordinarily have occurred on 2 February 2021). Judge Barber held that the deferral no longer served a useful purpose: the original purpose - to investigate the company's affairs - had concluded and had needed only several months. It was also held - in the absence of express, statutory guidance - that Mr Kumar (the company's sole director and sole shareholder) had standing to bring the appeal under section 205.
Yesterday the Government published for consultation various reform proposals as part of its Future Regulatory Framework Review for financial services: see here (pdf).
The paper endorses the current regulatory model as set out in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, which reflects the reforms made following the financial crisis over ten years ago - the creation of the FCA, PRA and a greater role for the Bank of England. It does, nevertheless, propose introducing new statutory objectives for the FCA and PRA linked to growth and competitiveness. The regulatory principles are to be amended to provide that growth should occur in a way consistent with the Government commitment to achieve a net zero economy by 2050. The paper also proposes increasing the mechanisms through which the regulators are accountable to Parliament.
And, unsurprisingly, we are to see much current retained EU law transferred to the regulators' rulebooks, with the regulators given new rule-making powers as required. This process - to be achieved through secondary legislation - is expected to take several years.