One of the most concerning findings from our review [here, pdf]was that many companies were not transparent about their compliance with the Code. Several companies in our sample, including some that claimed full compliance with the Code, on further investigation had not acknowledged departure from one or more Provisions of the Code .... We were disappointed with the quality of the explanations provided by companies for non-compliance with the Provisions of the Code and struggled to find robust explanations. Our sample identified 74 cases of non-compliance with the Code, but we found only four explanations that we considered high quality and offered an insight into the companies’ approach to good governance. The majority of explanations were inadequate, and in one instance, not given at all".
Friday 26 February 2021
UK: FRC guidance - improving the quality of 'comply or explain' reporting
UK: Administration - pre-pack sales to connected parties - draft legislation before Parliament
This instrument imposes conditions that must be satisfied before an administrator of a company in administration is able to make a substantial disposal of company property to a person who has a connection with the company. The conditions are that the company’s creditors must have considered and approved the proposed disposal, or, alternatively, that an independent and suitably-qualified person has provided a report to the administrator which considers whether the proposed disposal is reasonable in the circumstances. The instrument also requires that, if the report concludes that the proposed disposal is not reasonable, this must be disclosed to the company’s creditors".
The Regulations are subject to the draft affirmative procedure and their progress can be followed here.
Thursday 25 February 2021
UK: England and Wales: the reflective loss principle and former shareholders
Wednesday 24 February 2021
UK: FTSE board diversity - fifth and final report from the Hampton-Alexander Review
Tuesday 23 February 2021
UK: FRC updates its principles for the operational separation of the audit practices of the ‘Big 4’
Monday 22 February 2021
UK: directors' duties, delegation and oversight - a view from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
It has been held in a number of cases, correctly, in the Board’s opinion, that a director may not knowingly stand by idly and allow a company’s assets to be depleted improperly: see, for example, Walker v Stones [2001] QB 902, at 921D-E per Sir Christopher Slade; Neville v Krikorian [2006] EWCA Civ 943; [2007] 1 BCLC 1, paras 49-51 per Chadwick LJ; Lexi Holdings v Luqman [2007] EWHC 2652 (Ch), paras 201-205 per Briggs J (as he then was). To the contrary, a director who knows that a fellow director is acting in breach of duty or that an employee is misapplying the assets of the company must take reasonable steps to prevent those activities from occurring".
Singapore: special resolution required to voluntarily wind-up company, Court of Appeal rules
Note: section 290(1) has been replaced by a provision expressed in largely identical terms: section 160 of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018, which came into force on 30 July 2020.
Friday 19 February 2021
UK: England and Wales: directors, bribery and section 176 of the Companies Act 2006
Judgment was delivered yesterday in Kings Security Systems Ltd v King & Anor [2021] EWHC 325 (Ch). While first instance, it is nevertheless noteworthy for the trial judge's discussion of whether the introduction of section 176 ("Duty not to accept benefits from third parties") of the Companies Act 2006 had removed the availability of tort based claims against a director in respect of bribery. The trial judge, Andrew Lenon QC, held that section 176 did not have this effect, observing that if section 176 had indeed removed the ability to bring such claims:
.... the liability of the briber and the liability of the bribed director would be governed by different rules. In the absence of clear words, I do not consider that this was the intention of the legislator. Even if the effect of section 170(3) is to substitute the general duties for the tort of bribery ... section 170(4) provides that 'the general duties shall be interpreted and applied in the same way as common law rules or equitable principles, and regard shall be had to the corresponding common law rules and equitable principles in interpreting and applying the general duties.' The law relating to bribery therefore remains relevant. Advancing a separate cause of action in bribery where there are grounds for claiming a breach of section 176 of the 2006 Act may, however, add nothing more than colour".
UK: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Change of Expiry Date) Regulations 2021
This instrument extends the expiry date of the period during which the power in section 20 [of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020] can be used, from 30 April 2021 to 29 April 2022. The section 20 power enables the Secretary of State to make regulations temporarily modifying corporate insolvency or governance legislation for various purposes in connection with mitigating the impact of coronavirus. An example of a previous exercise of this power is the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Suspension of Liability for Wrongful Trading and Extension of the Relevant Period) Regulations 2020/1349.
Thursday 18 February 2021
Jersey: Royal Court considers shareholder remedies
Wednesday 17 February 2021
UK: FRC publishes 21/22 draft plan, strategy and budget
Monday 15 February 2021
UK: Scotland: unfair prejudice petitions - the reasonable offer and abuse of process
The unfair prejudice provisions in the Companies Act 2006 apply in both Scotland and England. The remedies given are equitable, and the court has a wide discretion. In these circumstances it seems to me that it is inherently desirable that there is consistency between the approach of the Scottish and English courts. Accordingly, in my opinion, where the respondent to an unfair prejudice petition makes a reasonable offer which gives the petitioner all the remedy which the petitioner could realistically expect to obtain, and the petitioner refuses the offer and continues with the litigation, it is competent in Scotland for the court to dismiss the petition as an abuse of process. I reserve my opinion as to whether dismissal for abuse of process for refusal of an offer would be competent in Scotland in any petition or action other than an unfair prejudice petition".