Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Laos: Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Listed Companies

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A message from Robert Goddard, Senior Lecturer in Law, Aston Law School, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.
Email: robert_goddard@outlook.com or r.j.goddard@aston.ac.uk
At Aston I teach (or have taught) courses in fraud, company law, corporate governance, securities law, financial regulation and taxation. This site primarily supports my company (corporate) law and governance teaching and to a lesser extent the other subjects I teach. It is primarily an online notepad where I record important developments, news and other items that interest me.
Users of this site include my students as well as colleagues at Aston and other universities. Practitioners tell me they find the site useful too. In 2010 the site was commended in Legal Week and also chosen as one of the LexisNexis Top 25 Business Law Blogs 2010.
The site's primary focus is the UK but interesting items from other jurisdictions are often included as are developments in the allied disciplines of capital market regulation and financial reporting.
To find information on certain topics, enter keywords into the search box above (e.g., financial reporting, pay, Companies Act, Australia, shareholder, director). This facility is not case-sensitive. If you are searching for certain section numbers from Acts, it is best to enter only the section number.
If you have any feedback, suggestions for entries, or if you find a link that does not work, please e-mail me. Please also feel free to leave a comment on individual posts (only comments that are useful to other readers will be published; if your comment contains a link to another site, that site must be relevant to the post). You are also welcome to connect with me using:
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