Tuesday, 26 March 2019

UK: BEIS Committee report - 'Executive Rewards: paying for success'

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee published its report 'Executive Rewards: paying for success' today: see here or here (pdf). The report is critical of the role played by institutional investors, remuneration committees and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). The Committee calls for the simplifcation of pay, advocating a structure based on fixed salary plus deferred shares that would vest over a long period (and subject to provisions designed to prevent 'rewards for failure'). It also calls for remuneration committees to have at least one employee representative. 

The Committee is strongly supportive of the creation of the new Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA), to replace the FRC, and states that the ARGA should be "a more empowered, aggressive and proactive regulator that has the ability to take decisive action, where necessary, on executive pay and its reporting" (para. 11). Many of the Committee's recommendations are directed at the ARGA, particularly with regard to the revised Stewardship Code and its enforcement, as well as the expectations placed on asset owners. The Committee also recommends that the ARGA should become responsible for monitoring the impact of the new Wates Principles of Corporate Governance for Large Private Companies.

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