Monday, 31 October 2016
UK: Investment Association publishes updated Principles of Remuneration

directors remuneration,
executive pay,
pay ratio,
Friday, 28 October 2016
Europe: EBA consults on revised Guidelines on Internal Governance

Europe: EBA/ESMA Guidelines on the Suitability of the Members of the Management Body and Key Function Holders

South Africa: King IV final report to be published next week

Thursday, 27 October 2016
Netherlands: revised governance code to be published on 8 December

Europe: Commission proposes mandatory common consolidated corporate tax base for largest groups

Wednesday, 26 October 2016
UK: The Financial Conduct Authority sets out its mission

financial conduct authority,
financial regulation,
UK: The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (Commencement No. 6 and Transitional and Savings Provisions) Regulations 2016

Tuesday, 25 October 2016
UK: The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016

Jersey: the reserve power of company shareholders

board of directors,
Friday, 21 October 2016
UK: FRC publishes annual review of corporate reporting

Thursday, 20 October 2016
Netherlands: new governance code expected by the end of 2016

Wednesday, 19 October 2016
UK: HMRC's duty of confidentiality towards taxpayers - strong words from the Supreme Court

Lord Toulson (who retired from the Supreme Court last month) delivered the court's judgment and had this to say about the justifications for disclosure that HMRC had provided (paras. [34] and [35]):
As to the justifications put forward by HMRC, a general desire to foster good relations with the media or to publicise HMRC’s views about elaborate tax avoidance schemes cannot possibly justify a senior or any other official of HMRC discussing the affairs of individual tax payers with journalists. The further suggestion that the conversation might have led to the journalists telling Mr Hartnett about other tax avoidance schemes, of which HMRC knew nothing, appears to have been no more than speculation, and is far too tenuous to justify giving confidential information to them. The fact that Mr Hartnett did not anticipate his comments being reported is in itself no justification for making them. The whole idea of HMRC officials supplying confidential information about individuals to the media on a non-attributable basis is, or should be, a matter of serious concern. I would not seek to lay down a rule that it can never be justified, because “never say never” is a generally sound maxim. It is possible, for example, to imagine a case where HMRC officials might be engaged in an anti-smuggling operation which might be in danger of being wrecked by journalistic investigations and where for operational reasons HMRC might judge it necessary to take the press into its confidence, but such cases should be exceptional".
A written summary of the judgment is available is here (pdf). Lady Hale provided a spoken summary of the court's judgment this morning: see the below video (also available here).
Sweden: Corporate Governance Board publishes annual report 2016

Pakistan: Principles of Corporate Governance for Non-Listed Companies

Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Philippines: SEC publishes revised governance code for publicly listed companies

Nigeria: company law reform and the new national code of corporate governance

Also published in draft form earlier this year, and now released in final form, is the new National Code of Corporate Governance. Produced by the Financial Reporting Council, the National Code in fact contains three separate codes: one for the private sector; one for not-for-profit entities; and one for the public sector. The private sector code applies to all public companies whether listed or not and compliance with its provisions is mandatory. It took effect yesterday. The not-for-profit code operates on the basis of 'comply or justify non-compliance'. It also took effect yesterday. The public sector code has not yet come into force: it will do so once an executive directive has been secured from the Federal Government.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Taiwan: amended edition of the governance best practice principles

institutional shareholders,
stewardship code,
Ireland: the company register and the powers of the registrar

The court held that the Registrar's use of the designation 'receivership' was ultra vires the powers provided under the Companies Act. The designation was unclear and apt to mislead because it incorrectly implied that that there had been a change in the corporate status of the company by reason of the receiver's appointment to part of the company's property. But no such change in status had taken place or would inevitably take place.
The court recognised, however, that the Registrar had the power and duty to organise the information on the electronic register in a clear, organised and accessible manner. This permitted the Registrar to summarise the fact that it had received certain statutory notifications, including the appointment of a receiver to all or part of the company's property, but this could not be done in a manner that implied that a receiver's appointment had changed (or would change) a company's status.
registrar of companies
Friday, 14 October 2016
UK: The Criminal Finances Bill introduced in Parliament

Thursday, 13 October 2016
UK: FRC reviewing governance principles

The question that Sir Winfried asks is certainly an important one but it's not clear if a wide-reaching public consultation is intended: much will no doubt depend on what emerges from the Government's corporate governance consultation later this year and the inquiry currently being conducted by the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee.
stewardship code,
uk corporate governance code
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
BCBS final standard - TLAC holdings

basel committee,
total loss absorbing capital
UK: FRC guidance - year end advice for preparers of accounts

financial reporting,
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Canada: governance reforms - Bill introduced in Parliament

Monday, 10 October 2016
Zimbabwe: public sector governance and a new Companies Act

Friday, 7 October 2016
Brazil: the fifth edition of the Código das Melhores Práticas de Governança Corporativa

Thursday, 6 October 2016
UK: England and Wales: partners and the forfeiture of profits

Spain: CNMV annual reports on corporate governance and directors' remuneration

directors remuneration,
Italy: the Italian Stewardship Principles

institutional shareholders,
stewardship code
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
UK: FRC consults on changes to its corporate reporting review procedures

Thailand: SEC consultation on new governance codes - briefing documents (in English) available

stewardship code,
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
India: SEBI consultation: corporate governance issues in compensation agreements

Monday, 3 October 2016
IOSCO Report on Corporate Governance

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