Monday, 31 March 2014
UK: Financial Conduct Authority publishes its 2014/15 business plan

Malaysia: Commission seeks views on implementation of its Corporate Governance Blueprint

UK: Scotland: Law Commission consultation on third party rights in contract

Friday, 28 March 2014
Europe: Commission Communication on long-term financing of the European economy

- A revision of the Shareholder Rights Directive in order to "to better align long-term interests of institutional investors, asset managers and companies".
- The introduction of a Recommendation to improve the quality of corporate governance reporting.
UK: ACCA consultation paper 'Creating value through governance - towards a new accountability'

Thursday, 27 March 2014
UK: Women on Boards - publication of Davies Review annual report and Cranfield Female FTSE Board report

Wednesday, 26 March 2014
USA: Economic Policy Review special issue - large and complex banks

Bank Size
- Do Big Banks Have Lower Operating Costs? [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Evidence from the Bond Market on Banks’ “Too-Big-to-Fail” Subsidy [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Do “Too-Big-to-Fail” Banks Take On More Risk? [ abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Components of U.S. Financial Sector Growth, 1950-2013 [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- The Evolution of Bank Complexity [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Measures of Complexity of Global Banks [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Matching Collateral Supply and Financing Demands in Dealer Banks [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Bank Resolution Concepts, Trade-Offs, and Changes in Practices [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- The Failure Resolution of Lehman Brothers [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Why Bail-in? And How! [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
- Why Are Large Bank Failures So Messy and What to Do about It? [abstract | full text (pdf) ]
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Europe: ESMA consults on draft standards regarding notification of major shareholdings

UK: FCA publishes hedge fund survey

Monday, 24 March 2014
UK: Is a member of a limited liability partnership a 'worker'?

The hearing will be broadcast live by Sky News as part of its Supreme Court Live service. When the Court of Appeal heard the case in 2012, it held that a partner of a limited liability partnership, who if it had not been registered as a LLP would have been a partner in a partnership under the Partnership Act 1890, was not a 'worker' under section 230(3): see [2012] EWCA Civ 1207.
limited liability partnership,
supreme court,
UK: Scotland: Limited liability partnership is a 'company' for the purposes of equal pay claim

The court (Lords Brodie, Drummond-Young and Phillip) unanimously held that for the purposes of section 1(6)(c), a limited liability partnership could be regarded as a company. Lord Brodie delivered the court's opinion and adopted the definition of company provided by Lord Hoffmann in O'Neill v Phillips [19991] 1 WLR 1092: "an association of persons for an economic purpose, usually entered into with legal advice and some degree of formality". He observed (at para. [46]):
"An LLP is an association of persons (natural or juristic). It has an economic purpose (see in particular, section 2(1)(a) of the 2000 Act). There are formal requirements for its constitution (including registration with the Registrar of Companies). It is a corporate body with a legal personality separate from its members and having limited liability. We should point out that all of the foregoing features exist in an ordinary (unlimited) Scottish partnership. Historically, partnerships were frequently referred to in Scotland as "companies". It may be, therefore, that a Scottish partnership is also a "company" for the purposes of the equal pay legislation. A decision on that point is not necessary for the purposes of the present case, however, and we express no concluded view on the matter."
equality act 2010,
limited liability partnership,
Friday, 21 March 2014
UK: England and Wales: Court of Appeal considers the meaning of 'debenture'

The Court of Appeal unanimously held that the rights under the agreements were subject to the charge, thereby reversing the decision at first instance (see [2013] EWHC 1801 (Ch)). Lord Justice Patten, delivering the leading judgment, observed that as a matter of language, "the term [debenture] can apply to any document which creates or acknowledges a debt; does not have to include some form of charge; and can be a single instrument rather than one in a series" (para. [36]).
Lady Justice Gloster considered whether loan agreements, either when originally entered or when novated, constituted debentures. In doing so she referred to the view that they could not be so regarded because no debt was created until drawdown and that, accordingly, there was no debt capable of acknowledgment at the time of the agreement. Her Ladyship rejected this view as "wrong, and unnecessarily technical. The obligation to repay clearly arises on execution of the loan instrument itself, albeit that such obligation may be contingent on drawdown actually taking place" (para. [50]).
Europe: The Banking Union and the Single Resolution Mechanism - provisional agreement reached

Thursday, 20 March 2014
UK: Supreme Court to hear Jetivia appeal

directors' duties,
insolvency act 1986,
supreme court,
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
UK: Bank of England Governor launches strategic plan

bank of england,
bank of england act 1998,
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
UK: Bank of England - senior appointments and the new deputy governor for banking and markets

bank of england,
bank of england act 1998,
Monday, 17 March 2014
UK: England and Wales: unlimited companies and the liability of their members

As the limited liability of members, together with a simple process of registration and incorporation, were the principal advantages of the mid-nineteenth century reforms, it is not surprising that there has been only a sparse use of unlimited companies. It appears that their introduction by the Companies Act 1862 was to compensate for the prohibition of partnerships or joint stock companies with more than twenty members or, in the case of banks, ten members. If members wished to have an association which most closely resembled the old joint stock company, the unlimited company was introduced for that purpose. There remained in some circles some stigma attached to limited liability and there were a number of businesses, including banks and building societies, which were incorporated as unlimited companies. A number of cases, though far fewer than those concerned with limited companies, dealt with issues arising out of the liability of members of unlimited companies. The use of unlimited companies, never great, declined during the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, their principal advantage was an exemption from ad valorem stamp duty, and later capital duty, payable on the issue of new capital by a company. For this reason, their principal use for many years was as estate or investment companies, where estates or other property were transferred to companies in exchange for shares issued to or owned for the benefit of the families owning them. For the same reason, they were sometimes used in complex corporate restructurings and transactions. As appears from the facts of the present case, unlimited companies have found a place in corporate planning for US tax purposes."Update (17 March 2014) - a summary of the decision has been published by the ICLR: see here.
Friday, 14 March 2014
UK: Clawback of vested variable remuneration - a proposed change to the Remuneration Code

Six years is the maximum time period proposed by the PRA and, as a minimum, firms should be able to clawback remuneration when: (a) there is reasonable evidence of employee misbehaviour or material error; or (b) the firm or the relevant business unit suffers a material downturn in its financial performance; or (c) the firm or the relevant business unit suffers a material failure of risk management.
prudential regulation authority,
remuneration code,
Thursday, 13 March 2014
USA: Whistle blowing protection and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002

The issue before the court was the extent of the section 1514A protection: did it apply only to employees of the public company? The court held, by majority, that it applied not only to employees of the public company but also to the employees of contractors and subcontractors (e.g., investment advisers, law firms and accounting firms).
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
UK: Bank of England governance and a new Deputy Governor

Amongst other things, Dr Carney said that a review of the Bank's governance and processes would be published next week and in this regard he said that a new Deputy Governor position would be created with responsibility for banking and markets. What is not clear - and may well become clearer next week - is how this will be achieved. The Bank's formal governance structures, including membership of its Court of Directors, are set out in the Banking Act 1998, recently amended by Part I the Financial Services Act 2012. Legislation requires the Bank to have a Governor and Deputy Governors for financial stability, monetary policy and prudential regulation. Will changes be made to the Banking Act 1998 in respect of the proposed new Deputy Governor position? This is not clear but, according to the Financial Times report, the proposed new Deputy Governor is to have "the status of a deputy governor but will not formally join the ranks of the three official deputy governors". This would appear to suggest that amending the legal framework is not envisaged. Is this an appropriate? Is it possible for the new Deputy Governor to enjoy the same status as the other Deputy Governors if the position does not carry the same legal status?
bank of england,
financial services act 2012,
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Portugal: CMVM's corporate governance code - copy in English available

UK: England and Wales: friendly society officers not validly appointed

Although the judge placed reliance on the fact that the election was unanimous, unanimity is easier to achieve in an open election than in a secret ballot. It is of itself a reason why it is important that elections be conducted by ballot rather than by acclamation or show of hands in an open meeting. Moreover, since there had been no opportunity given to the members to nominate alternative candidates, the mere fact that those who had been proposed and seconded were unanimously elected is not of great weight. I cannot therefore agree with the judge either that adequate notice of the business to be transacted at the meeting was given, or that the irregularities were mere matters of form. It follows from this that the President and the Treasurer were not validly elected."
Monday, 10 March 2014
Best Practice Principles for Governance Research Providers
Last year the Best Practice Principles for Governance Research Providers Group published for consultation a draft of its Best Practice Principles for Governance Research Providers: see here (pdf). A final version of the principles was published last week: see here (pdf).
Friday, 7 March 2014
Europe: "Brussels plans fresh rules on executive pay", the Financial Times reports

The content of the draft Directive, on which the FT's article is based, is similar in some respects to the new remuneration framework introduced in the UK. The draft Directive contains, for example, the requirement to provide shareholders with a binding vote on remuneration policy every three years, something that has recently been introduced in the UK.
The FT article is available here (subscription required to view full text).
executive pay,
shareholder rights,
Australia: CAMAC review of managed investment schemes

IAASB publishes framework for audit quality

Thursday, 6 March 2014
UK: The FCA's regulatory approach to crowdfunding over the internet - policy statement and final rules

financial conduct authority,
financial regulation,
UK: QCA report on governance disclosure by small and mid-size quoted companies

UK: City Code on Takeovers and Mergers - some minor changes

Wednesday, 5 March 2014
UK: Women on boards and the voluntary code for executive search firms - recommendations for meeting the 25% target

Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Europe: Board diversity policies and 'comply or explain'

New Zealand: New statute for incorporated societies - Government responds to Law Commission report

Hong Kong: New Companies Ordinance comes into force

Monday, 3 March 2014
Hong Kong: SFC consults on the regulation of alternative liquidity pools

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