Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Nigeria: Central Bank publishes six new codes for financial institutions

Tuesday, 30 October 2018
UK: FRC launches major review of corporate reporting

The FRC expects that the outcome of the project will be a "series of calls for action for changes to regulation and practice" as well as a "thought leadership paper consolidating the outcomes of the project" during the second half of 2019.
UK: Budget day - insolvency and corporate announcements

The first is the introduction, from 6 April 2020, of a new class of preferential creditor in the context of company insolvency. This new preferential creditor will be HMRC in respect of the taxes collected by companies on behalf of employees and customers. Further information about this change (including details of the current ranking of creditors) is available here (pdf).
The second is the announcement that with effect from the date on which the Finance Bill 2019-20 receives Royal Assent (as the Finance Act 2020, the Act relating to the 2019 Budget), directors will, in certain cases be jointly and severally liable for company tax liabilities. The budget report (at para. 4.19) states, somewhat vaguely, that this will arise in cases of "...tax avoidance, evasion or phoenixism ... where there is a risk that the company may deliberately enter insolvency".
tax avoidance,
tax evasion,
Monday, 29 October 2018
Netherlands: first edition of the Dutch Stewardship Code

Italy: new edition of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies

Norway: NUES publishes new edition of the Norwegian Corporate Governance Code

Friday, 26 October 2018
UK: GC100 guidance on the duty of directors to promote the success of the company

The GC100 was invited to publish its guidance as one of the outcomes of the Government's corporate governance reform green paper. The guidance focuses on how to comply with the section 172 duty, in particular the requirement, in promoting the success of the company for the benefit of its members, to have regard to various factors including the interests of the company's employees, the impact on the community and environment and the need to act fairly as between members of the company.
Canada: CSA review of women on boards

board diversity,
board of directors,
Thursday, 25 October 2018
UK: Takeover Panel consults on amendments to Rule 29 of the Takeover Code

Wednesday, 24 October 2018
UK: FRC publishes annual review of corporate governance and reporting

It should be noted, to quote directly from the review, that the FRC's "... assessment of corporate governance is ... based largely on evidence gathered through research conducted by external parties" (p.3). This is, perhaps, surprising not least because the evidence relied upon - some of the reports on governance published by the large accounting firms - will have been prepared for a different purpose. And, at a time when the relationship between the FRC and the accounting firms is under scrutiny, the appropriateness of such (narrow) reliance ought to be questioned. The FRC explains it reliance on external parties' research as stemming from the fact that its monitoring of annual reports does not include corporate governance statements because it lacks the power to challenge and gain changes in such statements. This is, to the say the least, surprising given the central role of the FRC within the UK corporate governance framework.
India: Insolvency Law Committee report on cross-border insolvency

Tuesday, 23 October 2018
New Zealand: can a minority shareholder's refusal to endorse a special resolution be unfairly prejudicial?

The facts were these. The company's shareholders and directors were family members: the Bakers and the Hodders; the Hodders held 70% of the shares and the Bakers the remaining 30%. An important transaction - the sale of a farm - was proposed requiring a special resolution under section 129 ("Major transactions") of the Companies Act 1993. The Bakers agreed to sign a written resolution if certain conditions were met; without their approval a special resolution could not be passed.
The Bakers decided not to grant their approval, whereupon the Hodders brought an action under section 174 ("Prejudiced shareholders") of the 1993 Act, which permits a shareholder to seek relief where "... the affairs of a company have been, or are being, or are likely to be, conducted in a manner that is, or any act or acts of the company have been, or are, or are likely to be, oppressive, unfairly discriminatory, or unfairly prejudicial to him or her in that capacity or in any other capacity".
The trial judge, Ellis J, held that the Bakers' refusal was unfairly prejudicial and ordered the Bakers to sign the resolution; she also refused to stay her decision to permit the Bakers to appeal. The farm was sold. The Court of Appeal declined to hear the Bakers' appeal, taking the view that the case was moot given that the farm had been sold.
The Supreme Court unanimously held that the Court of Appeal should have heard the Bakers' appeal which, though moot, raised issues of sufficient importance - including the interaction between sections 129 and 174 of the 1993 Act - to justify the Court of Appeal exercising its discretion to hear the appeal. The Court further held that it was inappropriate to order the Bakers to sign the resolution: this was, the Court held, "usurping their position as shareholders" (para. [72]). A little earlier in the judgment, it was observed (paras. [70] and [71]):
...s 174 applies where the affairs of the company have been, are being or are likely to be, conducted in a manner that is oppressive, unfairly discriminatory or unfairly prejudicial to the party claiming under s 174. Although this language is not obviously apt where the oppression complained of consists of a shareholder invoking the right to decline to approve a major transaction under s 129, s 174(3) contemplates that a s 174 order may be made against a person other than the company, including a shareholder. That could be taken as suggesting that s 174 could apply where a shareholder or group of shareholders refuses to approve a major transaction under s 129. Even if s 174 did apply in such a situation, however, the power to make an order under that section would need to be exercised with great caution. One situation in which it may be appropriate to make an order under s 174 against a minority shareholder who refuses to approve a major transaction is where there are particular circumstances that mean the minority shareholder is breaching a duty owed to the company or to another shareholder or an understanding among shareholders as to the ongoing conduct of the affairs of the company. There may be others; it is not necessary for us to reach a definitive view on that in the present case".
Monday, 22 October 2018
UK: developments in auditing - a CMA study and FRC reviews

Hong Kong: Court of Final Appeal dismisses Moody's appeal in credit rating liability case

Friday, 19 October 2018
Ireland: the representation of companies before the courts

The so-called rule in Battle v. Irish Art Promotion Centre Limited [1969] I.R. 252, when complemented by the inherent jurisdiction and discretion of the Court to permit, in exceptional circumstances, representation of a company by a person who is not a lawyer with a right of audience, continues to be the law in this jurisdiction and is consistent with the Constitution."
USA: Updated Commonsense Corporate Governance Principles published

Thursday, 18 October 2018
South Africa: Companies Amendment Bill published

Zimbabwe: comments sought on the Companies and Other Business Entities Bill

Wednesday, 17 October 2018
IOSCO final report: equity capital raising - conflicts of interest and associated conduct risks

financial regulation,
Ghana: company law reform - the Companies Bill 2018

companies act 2006,
directors' duties,
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Lithuania: OECD report on corporate governance

Monday, 15 October 2018
Jersey: the Limited Liability Companies Law

UK: financial risk from climate change - what the PRA expects from boards

The PRA expects firms to have clear roles and responsibilities for the board and its relevant sub-committees in managing the financial risks from climate change. In particular, the board and the highest level of executive management should identify and allocate responsibility for identifying and managing financial risks from climate change to the relevant existing Senior Management Function(s) (SMF(s)) most appropriate within the firm’s organisational structure and risk profile, and ensure that these responsibilities are included in the SMF(s)’s Statement of Responsibilities. The PRA expects to see evidence that the board and its relevant subcommittees exercise effective oversight of risk management and controls. Further, the PRA expects the board to ensure that adequate resources and sufficient skills and expertise are devoted to managing the financial risks from climate change."
Blogging back to normality
I am pleased to report that regular posting has resumed after a break for reasons largely unexpected. The posts that follow will be a mix of the very up to date and those from the last few months that are important to note for the purposes of the record that this blog has become. With best wishes, Robert.
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