Purposeful Company Task Force was formed within the
Big Innovation Centre under the direction of the
Purposeful Company Steering Group. It was set up to consider how the UK governance and capital markets environment could be improved to
support the development of value generating companies, acting with purpose to the
long-term benefit of all stakeholders. The Task Force has published its final report - see
here (
pdf) - and this contains 22 recommendations within six policy areas: (i) company law and reporting; (ii) accounting for purpose; (iii) repurposing the investment management industry; (iv) blockholding; (v) finance for purpose; (vi) and executive remuneration.
In area (i) it is, for example, recommended that directors should be required to report on how they fulfill their obligations under
section 172 ("Duty to promote the success of the company") of the
Companies Act 2006. In area (iii) it is said that investors' responsibilities concerning stewardship should be clarified and oversight strengthened (and, more specifically, it is recommended that the
FRC should set-up a review to investigate mechanisms for independently reviewing stewardship quality, to build upon the current
tiering activities in relation to the
Stewardship Code).
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