Issue 22 of
LIST! - the
UK Listing Authority newsletter - was published at the end of August. The newsletter adopts a question and answer format to deal with some of the issues raised in the course of the UKLA's work. The newsletter also provide a reminder concerning compliance with the
Listing Principles:
We sometimes get queries about the interaction between the Listing Principles (set out in LR7) and the Disclosure & Transparency Rules (DTRs) and Prospectus Rules (PRs).We therefore thought it would be helpful to remind issuers of the approach we take regarding compliance with the Listing Principles. The Principles are a general statement of the fundamental obligations of listed companies. They were introduced to ensure adherence to the spirit as well as the letter of the various rules, including the DTRs and PRs, comprising the listing regime.
Issuers should therefore be aware of the importance we place on compliance with the Principles on an ongoing basis. As our Handbook notes, a breach of a Listing Principle will make a listed company liable to disciplinary action by the FSA. While cases may be brought in conjunction with action for a breach of a specific rule or rules, the FSA is prepared to take enforcement action on the basis of the Principles alone, taking account of the standard of conduct required by the Listing Principle in question".
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