Monday, 31 August 2015
Canada: OSFI draft guideline - operational risk management

Friday, 28 August 2015
UK: Scotland: joint ventures and pre-contractual disclosure

joint venture,
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Japan: Council of Experts to review governance and stewardship codes

Wednesday, 26 August 2015
UK: audit and auditor regulation - update on the implementation of new EU statutory audit framework

The update also contains information regarding the implementation work being undertaken by the Financial Reporting Council, Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The FRC will, the update states, be publishing a consultation paper next month containing proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code and the FRC's audit committee guidance. The European Commission has, today, published information on the national measures being adopted by Member States: see here.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Thailand: Principles of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies

Monday, 24 August 2015
Germany: Principles of Good Governance for Indirect or Direct Holdings of the Federation

Norway: code review - no changes being made this year

Friday, 21 August 2015
Switzerland: the code of best practice for corporate governance

Thursday, 20 August 2015
Yemen: the Central Bank's corporate governance code for the banking sector

Wednesday, 19 August 2015
UK: Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 - overview of company law changes

UK: High Pay Centre research - FTSE100 CEO pay

Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Ireland: court implies duty of good faith and fair dealing in shareholder agreement

In recognising the existence of such a duty, and as the following extract makes clear, Haughton J drew heavily (but not exclusively) upon the approach adopted by Mr Justice Leggatt in the English decision Yam Seng PTE Ltd v International Trade Corporation Ltd [2013] EWHC 111 (QB):
[159] The case for a wider implication of a term of good faith and fair dealing in ordinary commercial contracts based on the presumed intentions of the parties put forward by Leggatt J. in Yam Seng is persuasive, and on the level of principle there is much to recommend his approach. While it has certainly not received universal acceptance in the UK High Court, it has not been rejected by any clear cut authoritative decision of a higher court, and it appears to have some support from the Court of Appeal. [160] In principle, but with certain caveats that Leggatt J. enunciates, I see no reason why this Court should not follow his lead in an appropriate case. Implying such a term is heavily dependent on context, and may only be appropriate in a “relational” type contract where there is a long term commitment. I also agree with Andrews J. in Greenclose where she said that such a term will be more readily implied in a situation where a contracting party is given a discretion such that 'the discretion should not be exercised in bad faith or in an arbitrary or capricious manner'."
good faith,
implied term,
shareholders' agreement
UK: PRA update - senior managers regime - insurance and UK branches of non-EEA banks

Monday, 17 August 2015
Ireland: Company Law Review Group to consider implications of Supreme Court decision regarding creditor priority in insolvency

South Africa: principles and policy proposals for the resolution of banks and other institutions

credit institution,
south africa,
Friday, 14 August 2015
UK: England and Wales: "Complete inactivity as a director is by definition unreasonable"

UK: England and Wales: listed company shareholder's application for permission to continue derivative claim declined

"An extraordinary feature of the case is ... that the company in question is a public limited company, rather than a private company; but shareholders have to be protected from a minor minority individual shareholder seeking to pursue a claim on behalf of the company of which they are shareholders when they do not wish the company's assets to be applied for that purpose. That is the whole purpose of the derivative claim procedure".Extraordinary is, perhaps, too strong a word to use: this is not the first decision concerning a derivative claim and a listed public company under Part 11 (see Mission Capital Plc v Sinclair [2008] EWHC 1339 (Ch)). Note too that, according to a market announcement by Elektron, the unsuccessful shareholder - Mr Bridge - has indicated that he will be appealing the decision: see here.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
UK: England and Wales: the misuse of insolvency legislation and the winding-up of companies in the public interest

insolvency act 1986,
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
UK: Financial Policy Committee - remit and recommendations for the year ahead

Tuesday, 11 August 2015
UK: Scotland: section 1157 of the Companies Act 2006

Monday, 10 August 2015
Mauritius: corporate governance code review underway

Friday, 7 August 2015
USA: SEC adopts pay ratio disclosure rule

A short fact sheet explaining the new rule is available here. An update on the SEC's progress in implementing the mandatory rule making provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act can be found here.
chief executive,
directors remuneration,
dodd-frank act,
pay ratio,
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Australia: Treasury consultation - crowd sourced equity funding framework

Wednesday, 5 August 2015
UK and Jersey: Judicial Committee considers 'backward tracing'

The Board ... rejects the argument that there can never be backward tracing, or that the court can never trace the value of an asset whose proceeds are paid into an overdrawn account. But the claimant has to establish a coordination between the depletion of the trust fund and the acquisition of the asset which is the subject of the tracing claim, looking at the whole transaction, such as to warrant the court attributing the value of the interest acquired to the misuse of the trust fund. This is likely to depend on inference from the proved facts, particularly since in many cases the testimony of the trustee, if available, will be of little value".A summary of the Board's opinion is available here (provided by the ICLR).
judicial committee of the privy council,
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
UK: PRA updates its supervisory statement on internal governance

Monday, 3 August 2015
UK: Financial Advice Market Review - terms of reference published

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