Thursday, 31 January 2013
UK: Supreme Court to hand down VTB Capital judgment next week

UK: FRC consults on implementation of several Sharman Inquiry recommendations

going concern,
sharman inquiry,
UK: England and Wales: fiduciaries, secret profits and the constructive trust

This headnote does not, however, capture much of the controversy and debate that has arisen following Sinclair in England and elsewhere. The Chancellor (Lord Justice Etherton), in his judgment, stated that the facts of the case highlighted the difficulties with the analysis in Sinclair which had made the law more complex and uncertain. If Sinclair correctly represented the law, and greater coherency and simplicity were required, then in the Chancellor's view it was necessary to revisit many longstanding decisions and to provide an overhaul of the entire area of the law of constructive trusts. If that was a task for the courts (rather than Parliament) then it was one for the Supreme Court, which could consider, amongst other things, whether Sinclair was right to decide that Lister & Co v Stubbs (1890) 45 ChD 1 was to be preferred to AG for Hong Kong v Reid [1994] AC 324. In this regard the Chancellor identified several important questions of policy including the ability to strip the fiduciary of all benefits, the importance attached to the protection of those to whom fiduciary duties are owed, and the position of other creditors on the fiduciary's insolvency who may be prejudiced by a constructive trust or proprietary relief in favour of the fiduciary's principal.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Singapore: a new framework for financial holding companies

UK: Supreme Court appeal in Petrodel case - seven justices to hear appeal

Permission to appeal was granted and earlier this year the Supreme Court announced that a panel of five justices would hear the appeal (Lady Hale and Lords Neuberger, Walker, Mance and Wilson). This has changed: seven justices will now hear the appeal, the original panel being joined by Lords Sumption and Clarke (the criteria used to determine if a panel of more than five justices should hear an appeal are available here). Three of the justices (Lords Neuberger, Mance and Wilson) heard argument last year in another case concerning the corporate veil, VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp, the judgment for which is expected within the next couple of months (the hand-down date will be published here).
Note: a copy of the first instance Petrodel decision has only recently been added to the BAILII database: see here.
Update (31 January 2013) - the VTB judgment is being handed down on 6 Feb: see here.
legal personality,
supreme court,
Europe: establishing the single supervisory mechanism

Tuesday, 29 January 2013
UK: Tribunal upholds FSA finding of market abuse for 'layering'

financial services and markets act 2000,
market abuse,
uk fsa
Financial Stability Board meeting in Zurich

Europe: Eurosystem responds to banking structure proposals

euro zone,
european central bank
Canada: OSFI publishes revised Guideline on Corporate Governance

Monday, 28 January 2013
EFTA Court finds no breach by Iceland under deposit guarantee Directive

deposit guarantee,
european commission,
financial services,
Europe: women on the boards of listed companies

board diversity,
board of directors,
Friday, 25 January 2013
UK: England and Wales: anonymity order refused in LIBOR manipulation damages case

UK: England and Wales: public company re-registration as a private company - entitlement to object under section 98 of the Companies Act 2006

Europe: EBA publishes risk assessment of European banking system

Thursday, 24 January 2013
UK: The Financial Services Act 2012 - first Commencement Order made

Europe: 'one-share, one-vote'

european commission,
shareholder rights
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
UK: England and Wales: legal advice privilege, tax law and accountants

Europe: Financial transaction taxation - EcoFin approves enhanced cooperation by eleven Member States

UK: stewardship prominent in FRC consultation on draft plan and budget

financial reporting,
stewardship code,
uk corporate governance code
UK: Competition Commission statutory audit market services inquiry - provisional findings now due next month

Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Spain: CNMV publishes corporate governance report

Germany: the Financial Stability Act

The German legislation (and that with a similar purpose being adopted in the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Czech Republic) is considered in the first paper to be published this year in the legal working paper series of the European Central Bank: see here (pdf). Note also that the European Systemic Risk Board published last year a recommendation on the macro-prudential mandate of national authorities (ESRB/2011/3, OJ 2012/C 41/01).
Monday, 21 January 2013
Europe: credit rating agencies and credit ratings - new rules approved by Parliament

credit rating agency,
european parliament
France: AMF's annual report on corporate governance and compensation

Friday, 18 January 2013
Nigeria: Steering Committee formed to develop national corporate governance code

UK: registration of company charges - update on new regime

Cayman Islands: Monetary Authority corporate governance consultation

Qatar: draft companies legislation published for consultation

Thursday, 17 January 2013
UK: England and Wales: tax law, accountants and legal professional privilege

Wednesday, 16 January 2013
UK: Treasury consultation on transposition of the AIFM directive

aifm directive,
hedge fund,
hm treasury,
uk fsa
Kenya: Committee to review corporate governance standards

Tuesday, 15 January 2013
UK: FPC power to supplement capital requirements - draft policy statement published

Monday, 14 January 2013
Europe: Commission begins consultation on cross-border transfer of registered office

european commission,
registered office
UK: FTSE100 chief executive remuneration - High Pay Centre report and recommendations

The report found that the remuneration package for every chief executive was predominantly calculated using financial performance measures, with total shareholder return being one of the most popular measures. Thirty-eight companies stated that they assessed their chief executive's performance with regard to non-financial factors. Companies that had experienced recent serious reputational damage - such as BP and Barclays - had the largest proportion of non-financial measures linked to their chief executive's long-term incentive plan.
Europe: Euribor and benchmark rate setting

Friday, 11 January 2013
BCBS publishes Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting

basel committee,
risk management
Thursday, 10 January 2013
UK: update on revised guidance from the Financial Reporting Council

going concern,
risk management,
turnbull guidance,
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Singapore: MAS consults on corporate governance regulations and guidelines for insurers

Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Guernsey: revising the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008

Monday, 7 January 2013
India: SEBI publishes consultation paper on corporate governance norms

directors remuneration,
shareholder rights
Basel III - approval for revised liquidity standards

basel committee,
credit institution,
UK: the gender diversity of private company boards

Friday, 4 January 2013
UK: suspected corporate manslaughter cases referred to the CPS

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has four Casework Divisions, one of which is the Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division (SCCTD). Cases involving suspected corporate manslaughter are referred to the Special Crime unit within SCCTD, unless the suspect is an unincorporated partnership, as these cases will be referred to a Complex Casework Unit. The number of cases referred to SCCTD and recorded as being “corporate manslaughter” since the commencement of the Act is 141. The CPS does not hold this data broken down by referring agency. The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 does not apply to pre-Act deaths, thus some cases may have been recorded as gross negligence manslaughter rather than corporate manslaughter. The CPS figures are based on a single categorisation of the case type and so, some cases that include a corporate manslaughter element will not necessarily be recorded as a case of that type."
Thursday, 3 January 2013
UK: review of insolvency practitioner fees

UK: Supreme Court to hear Petrodel appeal in March

The court's decision provoked controversy and it is not surprising that a relatively prompt appeal hearing before the Supreme Court will take place in a couple of months' time: see here (pdf). The Panel will comprise of Lady Hale and Lords Neuberger, Walker, Mance and Wilson. Three of these justices (Lords Neuberger, Mance and Wilson) heard argument last year in another case concerning the corporate veil, VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp, the judgment for which has not yet been handed down.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
India: copy of Companies Bill 2012 as passed by the Lok Sabha
UK: Grant Thornton's 2012 corporate governance review

IASB identifies future priorities including the Conceptual Framework project

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