Tuesday, 31 May 2011
The OECD's Guidelines on Insurer Governance

UK: the Manifest/MM&K Total Remuneration Survey 2011

Monday, 30 May 2011
UK: gender diversity and new FTSE100 non-executive directors

board diversity,
non-executive director,
Friday, 27 May 2011
Finland: the 2010 corporate governance code

USA: rewards for whistleblowing - SEC publishes rules

financial regulation,
whistle blowing
Singapore: the duty to maintain a system of internal accounting control

internal control,
Thursday, 26 May 2011
The OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - revised edition published

Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Australia: CAMAC publishes report on remuneration

UK: England and Wales: de facto directorship considered by Court of Appeal

de facto director,
england and wales,
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
UK: the governance of FTSE100 companies - a very short debate in Parliament

... the UK already has a robust corporate governance framework. We are not complacent and recognise that it always needs to be reviewed and updated, and we realise that there will always be individual cases that test those guidelines and that framework ... our principles on which we will approach this and all cases are clear—that it is in the long-term interests of British companies to support the work we are doing to bolster corporate governance, and we encourage every company to meet the standards of the best. We have specific powers, including the powers relating to the listing rules, which are for the Financial Services Authority. As we work through the issues of the correct structure of corporate governance in the UK, our conclusions will be based on the principles that motivate our desire to have a world-class corporate governance framework. However, we are not in the business of weighing companies and investors down with more regulation and higher costs. We believe in improving accountability and transparency. Those are important principles which we expect all companies, large or small, multinational or solely domestic, to live up to. We believe that following those principles is essential for securing long-term, sustainable economic growth for Britain".
board of directors,
listing rules,
uk fsa
Monday, 23 May 2011
UK: Government consults on companies' reporting of greenhouse gas emissions

companies act 2006,
green house gas emissions,
UK: England and Wales: no administration order in respect of club that was not a company

Friday, 20 May 2011
USA: credit rating agencies - amendments and new rules proposed by SEC

credit rating agency,
dodd-frank act,
Thursday, 19 May 2011
UK: the new Prudential Regulation Authority

bank of england,
financial regulation,
financial services,
uk fsa
Europe: the future of EU company law - report and recommendations

Wednesday, 18 May 2011
UK: Scotland: liquidator's remuneration and the court's discretion

insolvency law,
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
UK: OFT provisionally decides that there are competition problems in the audit market

The Financial Reporting Council has welcomed the OFT's announcement, noting in a statement issued today - see here - that "it has become clear to us that the competition authorities are better placed than audit regulators to tackle competition concerns".
Australia: High Court grants ASIC appeal in James Hardie case

company secretary,
non-executive director
Monday, 16 May 2011
UK: High Pay Commission publishes interim report

Germany: Code Commission announcement

board diversity,
supervisory board
UK: remuneration votes at William Hill plc and Ladbrokes plc

directors remuneration,
general meeting,
remuneration report,
UK: the Sharman enquiry - call for evidence

UK: the Companies Act 2006 (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011

Saturday, 14 May 2011
Missing entries, an old update and other Blogger problems

I intend to post the next updates on Monday and hope that these are properly included in the automated e-mail update sent out later that day. Blogger's current status report, available here, suggests that some users may still experience problems.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
UK: Scotland: criminal liability of partnerships and partners - Law Commission consultation published

Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Hong Kong: review of governance code - responses published

UK: Short-termism in capital markets

In the lecture - titled "The short long" and available here (pdf) - Mr Haldane notes the (relative) paucity of studies on short-termism in capital markets. He argues, on the basis of his empirical research, that short-termism is statistically and economically significant in capital markets and appears to be increasing. In response to this finding of market failure, Mr Haldane identifies possible public policy responses including those concerning transparency, governance, contract design and taxation.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
USA: short selling disclosure studies - SEC seeks comments

Monday, 9 May 2011
Europe: EFAMA's Code for External Governance

... to provide a framework of high‐level principles and best practice recommendations which should act as a catalyst for engagement between Investment Management Companies (IMC) and the companies in which they invest. Adherence to this code should support interaction between the IMC and companies and ensure a strong link between governance and the investment process. The code is “principles” based in that it relies upon good judgement rather than prescription. As such, the recommendations recognise that the 'best' approach for many issues depends on the circumstances. The Code is not designed to supersede applicable law and regulations".
Australia: NSW Court of Appeal on corporate governance and care and diligence

Amongst the decisions reached by the court was the rejection of the argument that two individuals (a former director and former secretary/general counsel of a public company) should be relieved from liability under Section 180 ("care and diligence") of the Corporations Act (2001), the court stating: "Proper corporate governance and business activity depend on business leaders adhering to standards not only of honesty but also of care and diligence..." (para. [52]).
Friday, 6 May 2011
ECGI annual lecture: governance and regulation in crisis - addressing the next one

Ireland: draft code for captive insurance and captive reinsurance undertakings

captive insurance,
captive reinsurance,
Thursday, 5 May 2011
UK: gender diversity of boards - FRC consultation

The Financial Reporting Council has today published a consultation paper in which it seeks views on Lord Davies' recommendation and in which it suggests proposed amendments to the Code: see here (pdf). The FRC's consultation notes that the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills will be consulting separately on the recommendation that quoted companies should be required to disclose annually the proportion of women on the board, women in senior executive positions and female employees in the whole organisation.
board diversity,
board of directors,
non-executive director,
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Europe: Directive 2011/35/EU on the mergers of public limited liability companies (codification)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011
UK: Hammerson plc agm - general meeting notice resolution not passed

general meeting,
institutional shareholders,
South Africa: Companies Act 2008 comes into force

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