Friday, 30 July 2010
UK: FRC announces new project - lessons from the credit crisis

financial reporting,
UK: the Cadbury Archive

combined code,
uk corporate governance code
UK: ICSA publishes draft guidance - improving board effectiveness

board of directors,
uk corporate governance code
Thursday, 29 July 2010
UK: the FSA Remuneration Code - wider scope and other changes proposed

The proposed changes will result in the Code applying to over 2,500 firms, including all banks and building societies, asset managers, hedge fund managers, UCITS investment firms as well as some firms that engage in corporate finance, venture capital, the provision of financial advice and stockbrokers. An overview of the changes, including those relating to the structure of remuneration, is available here.
executive pay,
fsa remuneration code,
hedge fund,
uk fsa
UK: BIS Committee report on Kraft's takeover of Cadbury - Government response

Much clearly rests on the outcome of the Takeover Panel's recent review of takeover regulation (see here, pdf) but the response states that the Government will shortly be consulting on how to improve the quality of narrative reporting, in order to strengthen engagement between quoted companies and their shareholders (this is, presumably, the context in which the Government will say more about its intention to restore the Operating and Financial Review). The manner in which institutional shareholders and their fund managers perform their role as "responsible owners" of UK quoted companies is another area identified for consideration.
Algeria: the Code Algérian de Gouvernance d'Entreprise

Turkey: CMB Corporate Governance Principles

Wednesday, 28 July 2010
UK: FRC seeks views on merger with UKLA

The FRC believes that regulation must be undertaken with the greatest possible understanding of how business works, of how to give justified confidence to investors and of how to preserve and develop the international strength of the UK’s capital markets. We take the Government’s proposal as a vote of confidence in the FRC’s model of regulation, which involves close engagement with companies, investors and other market participants.
The FRC is keen that such proposals can be implemented effectively if the Government decides to proceed. It therefore welcomes the views of its stakeholders on the Government’s proposal to help it prepare its own response to the consultation. The FRC believes it is important that any such change is achieved as efficiently as possible and that the current strengths of both organisations are preserved".
UK: the FSA's powers of prosecution

UK: POB annual report published

First, the Board concludes that certain aspects of regulatory activity at some recognised bodies gives it "significant concerns". Second, with regard to audit choice, the Board notes that the majority of the Market Participants Group's recommendations have now been implemented but there is limited evidence that they have had a significant impact on market concentration and the risks thereby arising.
professional oversight board,
New Zealand: corporate governance reporting - Securities Commission review

UK: auditors: market concentration and their role - enquiry begins

Latvia: NASDAQ OMX Riga Principles and Recommendations

Tuesday, 27 July 2010
UK: takeover regulation review - IoD response

The IoD believes that a market for corporate control is a valid component of an effective corporate governance system. The threat of hostile takeover can provide a source of discipline for severely underperforming companies and their management. However, takeovers are difficult to implement successfully. Many takeovers do not result in a combined enterprise that is stronger that the sum of its parts. A number of academic studies have shown that contested takeovers, on average, destroy value for the shareholders of the acquiring firm [Cosh and Hughes (2008), Martynova and Renneboog (2008) and Tuch and O'Sullivan (2007)]. Widespread use of takeovers may also encourage a short-termist management approach, both amongst acquisitive companies and companies under threat of takeover. As a result, we view hostile takeovers as a governance mechanism of last resort. The presence of an effective board (containing a high proportion of independent, knowledgeable and challenging non-executive directors) and an ongoing process of engagement between boards and shareholders should be regarded as the main means of ensuring the success of the company over the longer term.
When significant takeover bids do occur, the final say on the commercial viability of the transaction should be a matter for shareholders. Furthermore, for such an important (and potentially risky) corporate event, it is important to ensure that the shareholders on both sides of the transaction are fully supportive of such a step. The Takeover Code provides a fair and transparent mechanism through which to solicit the support of offeree (i.e. target company) shareholders during a hostile takeover bid. However, there is currently no guarantee that a takeover transaction has the support of the offeror (acquiring company) shareholders. The UK model of corporate governance is based on the principle of shareholder monitoring and oversight of corporate activity. In our view, it is consistent with this approach to require that all bids for major UK listed companies should be conditional on achieving the support of the shareholders of the acquiring company".
UK: the UKLA, FRC and companies regulation

The Government believes that the functions of the UKLA [currently performed by the FSA] could be merged with other regulatory functions relating to companies and corporate information, notably those of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). This would have the benefit of bringing the UKLA’s regulation of primary market activity alongside FRC functions relating to company reporting, audit and corporate governance. The Government is therefore considering whether the UKLA should be merged with the FRC under the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), or whether it should remain within the [proposed] CPMA markets division.
The Government believes that, within the proposed new regulatory architecture, there is a strong case for a powerful companies regulator established with responsibilities for regulating corporate governance, corporate information and its disclosure, and the stewardship of companies by institutional shareholders. This is a matter on which BIS will bring forward detailed proposals for consultation in due course, but the merger of the UKLA and FRC would be an important step towards such a reform".
Monday, 26 July 2010
UK: financial regulation reform - consultation paper

financial regulation,
financial services,
hm treasury,
UK: implementing aspects of the Financial Services Act 2010

financial services act 2010,
short selling,
Friday, 23 July 2010
UK: the provision of non-audit services by auditors

auditing practices board,
auditing standards,
UK: Takeover Panel publishes annual report

... the Panel’s focus over the last year has been the proposal for a Regulation to establish a European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”), which forms part of the EU’s response to the financial crisis of late 2008. As originally drafted, the Regulation included the Takeovers Directive within the scope of ESMA’s powers, enabling it, potentially, to set Europe-wide standards for regulating bids and even to intervene in individual offers. The Panel has argued that the inclusion of takeover regulation within a regime of harmonised European securities regulation would be inappropriate, not least because takeover regulation must reflect company law, which still varies considerably between Member States. The Executive has devoted considerable efforts to making representations to this effect in Brussels and with its counterparts in other Member States. While negotiations continue between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, amendments adopted by the Parliament on 7 July exclude the Takeovers Directive from the scope of ESMA’s powers and it is hoped that, when it is finally established, ESMA will not compromise the existing framework of takeover regulation applied by the Panel".
financial regulation,
takeover panel,
Thursday, 22 July 2010
UK: number of audits requiring significant improvement too high says AIU

The AIU reviews [a] the quality of the statutory audits of listed and other major public interest entities that fall within its scope and [b] firms’ policies and procedures supporting audit quality. The 2009/10 report provides an overview of the activities and findings of the AIU for the year ended 31 March 2010. With regard to the quality of audits by major firms the report finds:
... major firms have policies and procedures in place to support audit quality that are generally appropriate to the size of the firms and the nature of their client base. Nevertheless, improvements to these policies and procedures have been recommended at all firms. Notwithstanding the quality of firms’ policies and procedures, the number of audits assessed as requiring significant improvement at major firms (eight audits or 11% of audits reviewed at major firms excluding follow‐up reviews) is too high. Firms are therefore not always consistently applying their policies and procedures on all aspects of individual audits.
... a higher proportion of audits conducted by smaller firms require significant improvement. Six of the 11 smaller firm audits reviewed in 2009/10 (excluding follow–up reviews) were assessed as requiring significant improvement (2008/9: five of the 11 audits reviewed). Firms should not undertake audits unless they have the appropriate level of resources and expertise to ensure they are performed to an acceptable standard.
The AIU believes consideration should be given to establishing competency requirements specifically for auditors of listed and major public interest entities".
audit inspection unit,
USA: financial regulation reform

The Act will bring about the most significant financial regulatory reform since the 1930s and also includes corporate governance measures. For example, Section 951 provides for a shareholder vote on compensation disclosure and Section 952 sets out requirements for compensation committee independence. For a more comprehensive summary of the Act see here and here.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
UK: Supreme Court hears de facto director case

de facto director,
england and wales,
supreme court,
UK: the Bribery Act (2010) - implementation and consultation

bribery act 2010,
bribery bill,
corporate bribery,
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
USA: the SEC and corporate governance

... we believe investors' interests are served when they can participate productively in the governance of the companies they own. Let me be clear: the SEC's job is not to define for the market what constitutes 'good' or 'bad' governance, in a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, the Commission's job is to ensure that our rules support effective communication and accountability among the triad of governance participants: shareholders, as the owners of the company; directors, whom the owners elect to oversee management; and executives, who manage the company day-to-day.
But meaningful communication means the spectrum of viewpoints is represented, and all of the company's owners have access to the information they need to persuade, or to be persuaded. Investors should have detailed information about directors' and nominees' qualifications; about compensation consultants' fees and conflicts; and about the relationship between a company's overall compensation policies and its risk profile. Rules requiring greater disclosure resulted—with some exceptions—in filings that were significantly more informative this year. They gave investors not only greater insight into the qualifications of board candidates, but a better understanding of how candidates' skills and experience suit the needs of their companies".
UK: reform of the takeover regime?

Monday, 19 July 2010
UK: annual election of directors

Slovenia: governance code added to ECGI directory

Friday, 16 July 2010
USA: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010

Correction (21 July 2010): the Act will, in fact, be known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
financial regulation,
financial services,
UK: women on the boards of listed companies

... we have pledged to take action to promote gender equality on the boards of listed companies. However, we have more to do on the detail and in due course will be making an announcement setting out our future direction ... it is all about engaging with business and business organisations. We will engage with all relevant partners in developing our programme to fulfil the commitment in the coalition agreement. Head-hunters and recruitment companies will be aware of the stronger provision in the revised UK Corporate Governance Code, published on 28 May this year, on the importance of boardroom diversity ... we are working very hard to encourage people to work with us, rather than enforce an extra regulatory burden".
The European Commission has warned companies that if they do not move voluntarily to ensure gender balance on executive boards, it will force them to. Fundamental rights commissioner Viviane Reding told the European Parliament: 'Equality in decision-making is not yet a fact ... I do not rule out the possibility of putting forward legislation in this area'.
According to her spokesman, Matthew Newman, the centre-right Luxembourgeois commissioner is giving companies a year to sort out imbalances. If they do not act, Brussels will consider legislation and other measures committing them to the sort of quotas that have recently been introduced in Spain and some German states".
board diversity,
board of directors,
Thursday, 15 July 2010
USA: the proxy voting system - SEC invites public comment

- Should steps be taken to enhance the accuracy, transparency, and efficiency of the voting process?
- Should the SEC's rules be revised to improve shareholder communications and encourage greater shareholder participation?
- Is voting power aligned with economic interest and do the current disclosure requirements provide investors with sufficient information about this issue?
Further background information, including a short factsheet about the proxy system, is available here.
UK: cold shouldered by the Takeover Panel

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Netherlands: the re ASMI case and Dutch corporate law

Tuesday, 13 July 2010
UK: bank remuneration and the role of Government

The fate of banks in terms of public trust and respect rests also in your hands. A key way of regaining public trust will be by reforming the system of remuneration. We have the opportunity to send a clear message to the public that the banking system now operates in a way that is fair and stable and no longer rewards employees based on short-term performance whilst leaving investors and taxpayers exposed to the long-term risks. It is better for the industry to lead these changes.
But there is a role for the Government too. We will explore the costs and benefits of a Financial Activities Tax on profits and remuneration, and we will ask the FSA to examine further options in the forthcoming review of its remuneration code. And we will be encouraging all G20 members to implement the FSB principles on remuneration rigorously".
UK: the bank levy - HM Treasury consultation published

bank levy,
financial regulation,
hm treasury,
Hong Kong: the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2010

Monday, 12 July 2010
Guernsey: corporate governance code update

One area on which the regulation of financial services businesses in Guernsey will focus more intensively is corporate governance, the proper practice of which is an invaluable adjunct to effective regulation. Increasingly, external assessments of the Bailiwick’s financial services sector will address compliance by its constituents of current notions of proper corporate governance and accountability, but of course these are not always readily adaptable to particular sectoral circumstances, nor are the precepts and practices of the business world necessarily consistent.
A group of practitioners, reflecting an appropriate cross-section of Guernsey’s financial services sectoral interests, is working with the Commission to produce a draft Code of Corporate Governance, applicable to all licensed entities, and available more widely as a best practice model to local industry and commerce. The draft Code has been the subject of extensive consultation, and work will shortly begin on the particular sectoral adaptations and modifications necessary or expedient to make it practically workable, bearing in mind also that it will eventually have to be acceptable externally. A further consultation will be undertaken in Autumn 2010".
Australia: ASIC and market supervision

UK: remuneration votes to watch this week

executive pay,
general meeting,
Friday, 9 July 2010
Europe: the harmonisation of insolvency law

The report contains surveys of the insolvency regimes in the UK, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Sweden. References are also made to the law in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Europe: the European Company (SE) consultation - synthesis of comments

UK: Section 915 of the Companies Act (2006) - correction slip published

Thursday, 8 July 2010
Europe: an unjustified restriction on the free movement of capital - golden shares in Portuguese Telecom

Today the European Court of Justice gave its opinion - Commission v Portugal (Case C-171/08) - and supported the Commission's position. The court observed (paras. [60] to [62]):
... the Portuguese State’s holding of those golden shares, in so far as it confers on that State an influence on the management of PT which is not justified by the size of its shareholding in that company, is liable to discourage operators from other Member States from making direct investments in PT since they could not be involved in the management and control of that company in proportion to the value of their shareholdings (see, inter alia, Case C‑112/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I‑8995, paragraphs 50 to 52).
Similarly, the structuring of the special shares at issue may have a deterrent effect on portfolio investments in PT in so far as a possible refusal by the Portuguese State to approve an important decision, proposed by the organs of the company concerned as being in the company’s interests, is in fact capable of depressing the value of the shares of that company and thus reduces the attractiveness of an investment in such shares (see, to that effect, Commission v Netherlands [C-283/04, [2006] ECR I‑9141], paragraph 27).
In those circumstances, it must be found that the Portuguese State’s holding of the golden shares at issue constitutes a restriction on the free movement of capital for the purposes of Article 56(1) EC".
free movement of capital,
golden share,
share capital,
Europe: bankers' bonuses and remuneration at listed companies

.... in a non-legislative resolution drafted by Saïd El Khadraoui (S&D, BE), Parliament calls for remuneration policy principles to be extended to cover all companies listed on stock exchanges. It proposes that listed companies be required to explain their remuneration policies if their directors' pay is deemed not to follow certain principles aimed at removing incentives to take excessive risk or to take decisions based on short-term considerations. The resolution also proposes that shareholders be given greater control over the directors of a listed company.
Finally, 'golden parachutes' handed to directors in cases of early termination should be limited to the equivalent of two years of the fixed component of the director's pay and severance pay should be banned in cases of non-performance or early departure, says the resolution, which was adopted by 594 votes to 24 with 35 abstentions".
directors remuneration,
executive pay,
Ireland: Commission of Investigation to examine corporate governance and risk management

Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Switzerland: executive remuneration survey published

In 2009, the aggregate remuneration of the members of the board of directors and of the executive management of the 49 companies included in Ethos' study increased by 21% to CHF 1.27 billion. While the increase was 73% in the financial sector, it was just 2% in the other sectors. On average, each member of the executive management received CHF 3 million in 2009. The Chairmen of the board were paid CHF 1.9 million on average while the other non executive directors CHF 300'000".
Baltic States: guidance on the governance of Government owned enterprises

baltic states,
UK: disclosure of commitment to the UK Stewardship Code

A firm, other than a venture capital firm, which manages investments for a professional client that is not a natural person must disclose clearly on its website, or if it does not have a website in another accessible form:
- the nature of its commitment to the Financial Reporting Council’s Stewardship Code; or
- where it does not commit to the Code, its alternative business model".
institutional shareholders,
stewardship code,
uk fsa
UK: rights issue fees inquiry launched by ISC

Tuesday, 6 July 2010
UK: non-executives on E&Y's global advisory board

appoint independent non-executives who through their involvement collectively enhance shareholder confidence in the public interest aspects of the firm’s decision making, stakeholder dialogue and management of reputational risks including those in the firm’s businesses that are not otherwise effectively addressed by regulation".
The Financial Times newspaper reports - see here - that Ernst and Young is to appoint four non-executive directors to its global advisory board and that it is the first of the 'big four' firms to announce plans to do so. Further information is available in E&Y's press release: see here.
audit firm governance code,
non-executive director,
Norway: proposed amendments and additions to the Code of Practice

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