The Commission has also published a report on charities' reporting of related party transactions: see here.
A lack of integrity does not necessarily equate to dishonesty. While a person who acts dishonestly is obviously also acting without integrity, a person may lack integrity without being dishonest. One example of a lack of integrity not involving dishonesty is recklessness as to the truth of statements made to others who will or may rely on them or wilful disregard of information contradicting the truth of such statements".
* - update (21 August 2019): a copy of the code in English can be found here (pdf).“As Vietnam moves ahead to deepen its capital markets, good corporate governance will be a vital part of that journey”--IFC CEO Philippe Le Houérou in Ho Chi Minh City at the launch of #Vietnam’s Corporate Governance Code of Best Practices.— IFC (@IFC_org) 13 August 2019
cc @HoSE_exchange @Hanoi_Exchange pic.twitter.com/tM73Vv06e4
It is the duty and function of the chairman to preserve order and to take care that the proceedings are conducted in a proper manner and that the sense of the meeting is properly ascertained with regard to any question which is properly before the meeting. However, he does not have power to stop the meeting at his own will and pleasure ... the chairman is not running the general meeting for his own benefit, but for the benefit of the company as a whole. The chairman must therefore act at all times in good faith and for proper purposes, remembering at all times that the authority to preside over the meeting does not confer dictatorial power" (para. [106]).