Tuesday, 29 November 2016
UK: Government publishes corporate governance reform green paper

Monday, 28 November 2016
UK: the regulatory framework for insurance special purpose vehicles

HM Treasury have decided, following an earlier consultation, that a protected cell company structure should be provided for multi-arrangement ISPVs. The duties of directors of protected cell companies will be the same as for other directors under the Companies Act 2006. The incorporation and registration of protected cell companies will be the responsibility of the Financial Conduct Authority.
The Treasury's consultation is taking place at the same time as a consultation on the authorisation and supervision of ISPVs by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority: see their joint consultation paper here (pdf). This paper contains, amongst other things, a draft PRA supervisory statement and proposed amendments to the PRA Rulebook.
UK: Government green paper on corporate governance

Friday, 25 November 2016
UK: The Purposeful Company - interim report on executive remuneration published

- Shareholder guidelines and the UK Corporate Governance Code should enable companies to adopt simpler pay structures for CEOs based on long-term equity and debt holdings to encourage long-term behaviour and to avoid the unintended consequences of over-reliance on performance-based incentives.
- Companies should be required to publish a Fair Pay Charter explaining policy and outcomes for wider employee pay and fairness and to engage with employees on its content including specified disclosures on pay comparisons.
- The Directors’ Remuneration Reporting regulations should be updated to enable greater stakeholder understanding of a company’s maximum pay and relationship between pay and performance.
- A binding vote regime should be triggered when companies lose, or repeatedly fail to achieve a threshold level of support on, the advisory remuneration vote.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
UK: OTS final report on a new business structure - the SEPA

office of tax simplification,
sole trader,
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
UK: the effect of incorporations on tax receipts

There are also wider issues with the different tax treatment of different forms of labour, highlighted by the growth in self-employment and the number of single person incorporations. This not only causes complexity but also - as the OBR has highlighted (in relation to the growth in incorporations) – is resulting in increased fiscal costs to the Exchequer. The Government will therefore also look at how it can ensure that the taxation of different ways of working and different forms of employee remuneration is fair, sustainable and efficient."
Europe: Commission proposes new insolvency Directive

Tuesday, 22 November 2016
UK: consultation on new charity sector governance code for England and Wales

Monday, 21 November 2016
UK: The Prime Minister speaks about corporate governance

But just as government needs to change its approach, so business needs to do so too. For we all know that in recent years the reputation of business as a whole has been bruised. Trust in business runs at just 35% among those in the lowest income brackets. The behaviour of a limited few has damaged the reputation of the many. And fair or not, it is clear that something has to change. For when a small minority of businesses and business figures appear to game the system and work to a different set of rules, we have to recognise that the social contract between business and society fails – and the reputation of business as a whole is undermined. So just as government must open its mind to a new approach, so the business community must too. That is why we will shortly publish our plans to reform corporate governance, including executive pay and accountability to shareholders, and proposals to ensure the voice of employees is heard in the Boardroom. The UK rightly has a strong reputation for corporate governance – the Cadbury, Greenbury and other reforms, built on the strong foundations of the Companies Act and the Corporate Governance Code, have made the UK a prime location for listing and headquartering. But we can’t stand still – we must continue to make improvements where these result in better companies and improved confidence in business on the part of investors and the public. Much can be done by voluntary improvements in practice – in the representation of women on company Boards and in senior positions for example, or in broadening diversity. But where we need to go further we will. So there will be a Green Paper later this autumn that addresses executive pay and accountability to shareholders, and how we can ensure the employee voice is heard in the Boardroom. This will be a genuine consultation – we want to work with the grain of business and to draw from what works. But it will also be a consultation that will deliver results. And let me be clear about some important points. First, while it is important that the voices of workers and consumers should be represented, I can categorically tell you that this is not about mandating works councils, or the direct appointment of workers or trade union representatives on Boards. Some companies may find that these models work best for them – but there are other routes that use existing Board structures, complemented or supplemented by advisory councils or panels, to ensure all those with a stake in the company are properly represented. It will be a question of finding the model that works. Second, this is not about creating German-style binary boards which separate the running of the company from the inputs of shareholders, employees, customers or suppliers. Our Unitary Board system has served us well and will continue to do so. But it is about establishing the best corporate governance of any major economy, ensuring employees’ voices are properly represented in Board deliberations, and that business maintains and – where necessary – regains the trust of the public. There is nothing anti-business about this agenda. Better governance will help companies to take better decisions, for their own long-term benefit and that of the economy overall. So this is an important task. We will work with you to achieve it, and I know you will rise to the challenge".
France: AMF report on corporate governance and executive remuneration

Friday, 18 November 2016
Burma: new Companies Law - post consultation (fifth) draft published

Thursday, 17 November 2016
Pakistan: Companies Ordinance promulgated by the President

I am grateful to Waseem Ahmad Khan, Additional Registrar of Companies, SECP, Islamabad, for bringing me news of the President's promulgation of the new Ordinance.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
UK: England and Wales: relief for unfair prejudice and petitioner misconduct

companies act 2006,
s 994,
shareholder rights,
unfair prejudice
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
UK: Grant Thornton's annual review of corporate governance

Headline figures include 62% of companies claiming to comply fully with the UK Corporate Governance Code (director independence remains the main area of non-compliance). The quality of reporting remains variable. For example, 48% of companies do not express their values; 35% of companies provide only passing references to culture in their annual reports; and, more than half of the companies required to provide a viability statement gave only generic or basic insights into how viability was assessed, with only 5% providing detailed disclosure.
Monday, 14 November 2016
UK: Tiering of UK Stewardship Code signatories

Friday, 11 November 2016
UK: England and Wales: winding-up in the public interest and punishment for past behaviour

england and wales,
insolvency act 1986,
UK: England and Wales: unfair prejudice claims and wrongful dismissal

The petitioner will have to show that the affairs of the Company have been conducted (by act, omission or proposed act or omission) in such a way that is both unfair and prejudicial to the interests of members. The service contract with the Company may be a reflection of the overall relationship and the interests of members. When the evidence is heard the court may or may not treat the separateness (the term used by Lord Scott [in Gamlestaden Fastigheter AB v Baltic Partners Ltd (Jersey) [2007] UKPC 26]) of the petitioner as member and the petitioner as employee as excluding him from relief for the relief sought. It may demonstrate that the petitioner as member and employee "formed part (and an essential part) of the arrangements entered into for the venture to be carried on" by the Company. If the evidence favours the petitioner this will overcome the objection that the petitioner is not pursuing the claim qua member ... ... In any event, if the claim for loss of salary (breach of contract) were to be commenced by an ordinary claim form, there could be no real objection to it being heard together with a petition for relief for unfair prejudice: the issues arise out of the same facts. In my judgment it would be inefficient, disproportionate, a waste of court resources and could lead to different findings of fact if such a claim were to be heard in a separate proceeding. As a matter of case management I would order the trial of all issues be heard together before a Registrar of the High Court."
Thursday, 10 November 2016
UK: Implementing the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive

Wednesday, 9 November 2016
UK: Hampton-Alexander Review of women on boards - report and recommendations published

Tuesday, 8 November 2016
UK: the Government's corporate governance consultation

Monday, 7 November 2016
Germany: Commission consults on amendments to the German Corporate Governance Code

Friday, 4 November 2016
UK: Implementing the Fourth Money Laundering Directive - Article 30 and beneficial ownership information

beneficial ownership,
money laundering,
psc register,
UK: A Code for Sports Governance

Thursday, 3 November 2016
UK: BEIS committee corporate governance inquiry - publication of written submissions

UK: The Parker Review on the Ethnic Diversity of UK Boards

board diversity,
non-executive director,
parker review,
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
South Africa: King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa

Tuesday, 1 November 2016
UK: The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Ring-fenced Bodies, Core Activities, Excluded Activities and Prohibitions) (Amendment) Order 2016

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