Monday, 24 December 2012
Season's greetings and best wishes for 2013
Europe: structural reform of the banking sector - Commission publishes summary of consultation responses

credit institution,
european commission
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - 2012 annual report published

Friday, 21 December 2012
Ireland: company law reform - Companies Bill 2012 published

The Bill consolidates the existing 16 Companies Acts, dating from 1963 to 2012, into a single Act as well as introducing reforms including the codification of directors' duties, permitting a private company limited by shares to be formed with one director and in certain contexts removing the requirement for court approval. According to the press release published by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Bill is the "largest substantive piece of legislation in the history of the State".
UK: Banking Standards Committee recommends 'electrification' of proposed ring-fence for banks

With regard to the requirement for banks to ring-fence their retail and investment banking activities, the Committee concludes that the Government's proposals do not go far enough: electrification of the ring fence is proposed, i.e., a reserve power should be included in the legislation providing for full separation of retail and investment banking activities where the regulator concludes that the objectives of the ring-fence would not be met in respect of a particular bank. The Commission also concludes that the draft Bill needs to do more to ensure the independence of ring-fenced banks from other parts of the banking group. Amongst the suggestions made is the introduction of a legal duty on directors to preserve the integrity of the ring-fence.
The report also notes that next year the Commission will consider what contribution changes in areas such as competition, corporate governance, supervision and regulation and the civil and criminal law could make to enhancing standards and culture in banking.
New Zealand: criminalising certain breaches of directors' duties (and other reforms)

Clause 4 of the Bill provides that certain serious breaches of the duties owed by directors under sections 131 and 135 of the Companies Act 1993 will be criminal offences. This provision received the Committee's support with only drafting amendments proposed. The Committee recommended, however, that further consideration should be given to the drafting of clause 4 to ensure that directors are provided with clear guidance and to avoid the new provisions having a chilling effect on legitimate business risk-taking.
Europe: Commission green paper on shadow banking - summary of responses published

BCBS update on Basel III implementation

Thursday, 20 December 2012
UK: Financial Services Act 2012 published

France: Government publishes banking reforms

Australia: Treasury consults on governance standards for charities

UK: Treasury consults on raising the credit union maximum interest rate cap

Hong Kong: the abolition of nominal/par value of shares

Wednesday, 19 December 2012
UK: Financial Services Bill receives Royal Assent

Update (20 December 2012): the Act has been published - see here (pdf).
UK: FRC report considers impact and implementation of the UK Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes

India: Lok Sabha passes Companies Bill

Amongst other things, the Bill contains provisions that will: [a] limit to five years the auditor's period of tenure, [b] set a maximum that can be paid as directors' remuneration by reference to company profits, [c] require (albeit subject to a 'comply or explain' rule) companies of a certain size to spend a proportion of profits in pursuit of their corporate social responsibility policy. A copy of the Bill, as amended, has not yet been published (an earlier draft is available here).
Update (2 January 2013): a copy of the Bill, as passed by the Lok Sabha, has been published by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs: see here (pdf).
UK: financial regulation reform - creating the FCA's Handbook

Europe: ESMA's consultation on guidelines for remuneration policies and practices

UK: the supervision of financial market infrastructure

Tuesday, 18 December 2012
New Zealand: financial market regulation reform - discussion paper published

Europe: EBA opinion on the recommendations of the High-level Expert Group on Reforming the Structure of the EU Banking Sector

credit institution,
european banking authority
UK: client assets and EMIR - FSA policy statement and final rules

Monday, 17 December 2012
Australia: ASX Corporate Governance Council announces review of its Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations

australian securities exchange,
UK: ABI publishes board effectiveness report

Friday, 14 December 2012
UK: financial regulation reform - the role and approach of the Prudential Regulation Authority

UK: ABI report 'Comply or explain - investor expectations and current practices'

comply or explain,
uk corporate governance code
Hong Kong: Exchange proceeds with board diversity amendments

board diversity,
board of directors,
hong kong
Guernsey: Scrutiny Committee to consider financial regulation policy making

Thursday, 13 December 2012
Europe: Council reaches agreement on single supervisory mechanism for credit institutions

Europe: the Commission's action plan for company law and corporate governance

- Increase disclosure of board diversity policy and of risk management arrangements.
- Improve the visibility of shareholdings in listed companies in Europe.
- Improve the quality of corporate governance reports (in particular the quality of explanations provided by companies departing from corporate governance code provisions).
- Disclosure of voting and engagement policies as well as voting records by institutional investors.
- Improving transparency on remuneration policies and individual remuneration of directors, and granting shareholders the right to vote on the remuneration policy.
- Improve shareholder control over related party transactions.
- Improve the transparency and the conflict of interest frameworks applicable to proxy advisors.
- Work closely with competent national authorities and the European Securities and Markets Authority to develop guidance to increase legal certainty as regards the relationship between investor cooperation on corporate governance issues and the rules on acting in concert.
- Increase awareness of the European Company (SE) Statute (including employees' involvement) and possibly of the European Cooperative (SCE) Statute.
- Identify obstacles to employee share ownership in Member States.
- Further investigate the rules on the cross-border transfer of a company's registered office.
- Revise the rules on cross-border mergers.
- Investigate further rules on cross-border divisions.
- Codify the major company law Directives.
- Improve the information available on groups and recognition of the concept of ‘group interest’.
Europe: the future of European insolvency law - Commission proposals published

insolvency law
India: company law reform - Companies Bill tabled in Lok Sabha

Update (18 December 2012) - the Bill was passed on 18 December: see here.
Update (2 January 2013) - a copy of the Bill, as passed, is available here (pdf).
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Europe: Commission publishes company law and corporate governance action plan

Hong Kong: SFC strengthens sponsor regulation

UK: Finance Bill 2013 - draft published for consultation

general anti abuse rule,
hm treasury,
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
USA: PCAOB expresses concerns over audit quality

internal control,
Macedonia: Corporate Governance Code for Companies Listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange

Monday, 10 December 2012
UK: Resolution strategies for large and complex firms

Italy: Corporate Governance Committee publishes annual report

Isle of Man: Bribery Bill receives first reading

The IFSB's Guiding Principles on Corporate Governance for Institutions offering only Islamic Financial Services

Friday, 7 December 2012
Europe: Commission action plan on company law and corporate governance

UK: NAPF's Corporate Governance Policy and Voting Guidelines

investment company,
pension fund,
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Sarajevo Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Code

USA: PCAOB issues professional scepticism alert

Germany: new rules for high frequency trading

Thursday, 6 December 2012
UK: Government proceeds with introduction of new 'employee shareholder' employment status

employee shareholder,
UK: FSA consults on the regulation and supervision of benchmarks

financial conduct authority,
financial regulation,
uk fsa
UK: FInancial Services Bill completes third reading in the House of Lords

Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Europe: Council fails to reach agreement over single supervisory mechanism for eurozone banks

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