Friday, 29 July 2011
UK: OFT provisionally decides to refer audit market to Competition Commission

UK: England and Wales: directors' duties - loan of machinery from customer gave rise to fiduciary liability

At first instance ([2010] EWHC 2440 (Ch)), HHJ Roger Kaye QC held that Mr Towers had acted in breach of fiduciary duty and should account to the company for the benefit he had received: he ordered him to pay the company a sum just short of £8,000. On appeal it was argued by Mr Towers that he had not been placed in a position of conflict and that the trial judge had adopted an approach that was "overly technical and strict in the light of recent case law such as Foster Bryant" and had erred in not exercising the discretion provided by section 1157 of the Companies Act (2006) to relieve Mr Towers from liability. A unanimous Court of Appeal rejected these (and other) arguments. Lord Justice Mummery, delivering the leading judgment, stated that Mr Towers had not begun to demonstrate that the trial judge's decision was wrong with regard to his liability for breach of fiduciary duty.
Elsewhere in his judgment, Mummery LJ made some interesting observations with regard to the general duties of directors under the Companies Act (2006). Although the facts before him occurred before these statutory general duties came into force, he nevertheless noted that it would be "unrealistic to ignore the terms in which the general statutory duties have been framed for post-2006 Act cases. They extract and express the essence of the rules and principles which they have replaced" (para. [3]). Mummery LJ referred to three of these statutory duties - section 172 (the duty to promote the success of the company), section 175 (the duty to avoid conflicts of interest) and section 176 (the duty not to accept benefits from third parties) - regarding them as potentially relevant had the facts occurred after these duties came into force. These comments suggest that the statutory duties have not significantly changed the scope or content of the common law and equitable rules on which they are based. Whether this is correct with regard to section 172 has been the subject of debate: see, for example, the discussion in Keay, Andrew R., 'The Duty to Promote the Success of the Company: Is it Fit for Purpose?', August 20, 2010, University of Leeds School of Law, Centre for Business Law and Practice Working Paper.
companies act 2006,
directors' duties,
england and wales,
Europe: corporate governance green paper - the UK Government's response

Thursday, 28 July 2011
UK: the anti-deprivation rule in insolvency law

Update (29 July 2011): the ICLR has provided a summary of the case here.
UK: The Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors (Amendment) Regulations 2011

companies act 2006,
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
UK: competition in the audit market - OFT update

UK: corporate governance in central government departments - updated best practice code published

Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Canada: remuneration and risk - enhanced disclosure rules published

board of directors,
executive pay,
Bangladesh: a new Companies Act

Monday, 25 July 2011
Europe: corporate governance green paper - FRC submission published

Attached to the FRC's submission is a copy of a paper titled Effective Corporate Governance, in which the FRC sets out what it believes are the essential components for promoting effective corporate governance. These include: regulation, where necessary, to establish basic standards; codes, to encourage best practice; and shareholder rights and responsibilities to promote accountability. The paper also identifies the benefits of codes.
UK: women on boards - executive search firms code of conduct published

Friday, 22 July 2011
UK: England and Wales: arbitration and unfair prejudice proceedings

On appeal it was argued that the petition should not have been stayed and that the trial judge should have followed Exeter City in which HHJ Weeks QC held that the shareholder's right to petition for relief under (what is now) Section 994 was inalienable and could not be "diminished or removed by contract or otherwise" (para. [23]). The Court of Appeal unanimously rejected this argument and upheld the trial judge's decision to stay the petition. Lord Justice Patten, delivering the leading opinion, held that Exeter City had been wrongly decided and observed, amongst other things, that Section 994 gave shareholders "an optional right to invoke the assistance of the court in cases of unfair prejudice ... there is nothing in the scheme of these provisions which, in my view, makes the resolution of the underlying dispute inherently unsuitable for determination by arbitration on grounds of public policy" (para. [78]).
The ICLR has provided a summary of the decision here.
UK: Takeover Code amendments published

Thursday, 21 July 2011
UK: the Financial Services Bill - joint committee's call for evidence

UK: fundamental importance of the true and fair view reiterated by APB and ASB

companies act 2006,
financial reporting,
true and fair view,
Europe: banks - capital requirements and corporate governance

For further information see: Commission press release | FAQs | Citizens' summary (pdf) | Directive proposal (pdf) | Directive impact assessment: full text (pdf) or summary (pdf) | Regulation proposal: part 1 (pdf), part 2 (pdf) and part 3 (pdf) | Regulation impact assessment: full text (pdf) or summary (pdf) |.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
UK: ICB should consider corporate governance says Treasury Committee

UK: England and Wales: LLPs, fiduciary duties and unfair prejudice

Tuesday, 19 July 2011
UK: the AIU's 2010/11 annual report - concerns over audit quality continue

audit inspection unit,
Monday, 18 July 2011
USA: the return of the Shareholder Protection Act

directors' duties,
Friday, 15 July 2011
UK: England and Wales: access to partnership books and motive

In my judgment the question of motive or purpose is irrelevant to the exercise of a statutory right of access to the partnership books. I accept the proposition (stated in Lindley and Banks on Partnership (19th edition) paragraph 22-16) that because the statutory right of inspection is expressed in unqualified terms the motives and bona fides of the partner seeking to exercise it will be irrelevant.Update (18 July 2011): the ICLR has provided a summary of the decision here.
I would accept that the position may be different in relation to the exercise of a contractual or other non-statutory right. There, if it is absolutely clear that the partner is using a contractual right to obtain partnership documents not for the purpose for which it is expressly or implicitly conferred (in connection with his interests as partner) but for the purpose of injuring the partnership, or for some other manifestly improper purpose, then the Court will not assist the partner to exercise the right to access partnership books, records and information: compare Oxford Legal Group Limited v Sibbasbridge Services Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 387 at [24]. But that principle can only apply in very plain cases: otherwise (as Slade J pointed out in Conway v Petronius Clothing Limited [1977] 1 WLR 72at 90E) a right of inspection could be rendered more or less nugatory by specious allegations that it was being exercised with intent to injure or for some other improper motive. The principle has no application here. It is simply not the law that if a partner thinks he may have grounds to complain about the way a general partner (or its delegate) has performed its obligations then the partner thereby loses any right to obtain access to partnership documents".
UK: some voting trend research from PIRC

general meeting,
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Malaysia: the Securities Commission's Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011

There is much in the Blueprint. For example, chapter two sets out proposals for a new code governing institutional investors. Chapter three recommends that boards adopt a charter setting out, amongst other things, the board's functions and responsibilities as well as the key values, principles and ethos of the company. The charter should also include information about the company's governance arrangements, including the committees formed and the division of powers between the board, committees, chairman and CEO. Chapter four sets out five pillars of disclosure and transparency and makes recommendations regarding the content of the Commission's Corporate Governance Code. Chapter five makes wide-ranging recommendations, including greater clarity regarding the role of company secretaries and widening the obligations regarding mandatory whistle-blowing. Chapter six explains that shareholders are able to bring a statutory derivative action where the company has suffered harm but notes that there has only been one reported case. The chapter recommends further research to explore ways in which private enforcement can be promoted, including whether the Securities Commission should have a greater role.
UK: ICB publishes summary of interim report responses

Wednesday, 13 July 2011
New Zealand: directors' duties, delegation and criminal liability for untrue statements in a prospectus

... As a matter of law, no distinction is drawn between the roles performed in the boardroom by directors, whether labelled executive or non-executive. Every director is required to act in good faith, in what he or she believes to be the best interests of the company and to exercise the 'care, diligence, and skill that a reasonable director would exercise in the same circumstances'. Use of the term 'reasonable director' does not suggest different types of directors but is consistent with each having particular responsibilities within the board structure. The degree of care, diligence and skill required depends upon the nature of the company, the nature of the decision, the position of the director and the nature of the responsibilities undertaken by him or her ...
A chairman is not just a figurehead. His or her role involves leadership. A chairman has the primary obligation of ensuring that the agenda for a meeting is properly formulated, guiding discussion and ensuring that the meeting is conducted efficiently and effectively. As s 128 of the Companies Act 1993 makes clear, it would be wrong for the board to focus only on supervisory functions because it has the obligation of setting the policy that is to be implemented by management.
A focus on supervision or monitoring 'presupposes that the business drive comes from the managers of a company and that the board is there primarily to keep them on the rails', whereas it is 'for the board, representing the interests of those who appoint them, to set the standards which they expect from managers and to set them high'. Those views are reinforced by the Institute of Directors' Code of Practice for Directors, in which it is said that the chairman's role involves ensuring that all directors receive sufficient and timely information to enable them to be effective as board members; including the need to ensure that adequate information is before the board on any major issue on which a decision is required.
The term 'non-executive director' is used to refer to a person who has no executive functions to fulfil, in relation to the company‘s day-to-day operations. Nevertheless, in carrying out his or her duties as a director, the non-executive must ensure that he or she has enough information on which to make an informed decision. It is not enough to rely on an executive director to bring something to the attention of the board, if it is clear that information on a particular point is relevant to a decision. Once sufficient information is available, the non-executive director‘s duty will be discharged through the provision of 'independent judgement and outside experience and objectivity, not subordinated to operational considerations, on all issues which come before the board'.
In the context of a finance company, a non-executive director is required to have the ability to read and understand the financial statements, the way in which such statements classify assets and liabilities as current or non-current, and to use that understanding when making decisions about such matters as solvency and liquidity".
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Hong Kong: Court of Appeal considers the multiple derivative action

Monday, 11 July 2011
UK: the Prospectus Regulations 2011

Update (15 October 2011): a correct slip for the Regulations has been published: see here (pdf).
Friday, 8 July 2011
Basel Committee publishes Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk

New Zealand: trust law review - Law Com publishes issues paper

BVI: FSC consults on Business Companies Act changes

Thursday, 7 July 2011
Malawi: Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance added to ECGI directory

USA: say on pay - early results

directors remuneration,
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
UK: Lords debate on corporate governance and accountability

UK: the Companies (Reporting Requirements in Mergers and Divisions) Regulations 2011

UK: the future structure of the Financial Reporting Council

stewardship code,
uk corporate governance code
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Switzerland: remuneration survey and say on pay

Germany: the tenth German Corporate Governance Code Conference

Monday, 4 July 2011
UK: Guidance on the implementation and publication of forthcoming Code amendments

UK: voting against the remuneration report - Manifest highlights some trends

UK: FTSE100 boards and female director appointments

board diversity,
non-executive director,
Friday, 1 July 2011
UK: corporate tax reform - consultation on proposed controlled foreign company rules

controlled foreign company,
corporation tax,
hm treasury,
UK: the Bribery Act (2010) comes into force today

bribery act 2010,
corporate bribery,
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