Tuesday, 31 August 2010
UK: increase in director disqualification proceedings

Monday, 30 August 2010
Canada: regulatory oversight of credit rating organisations

Friday, 27 August 2010
UK: criminal liability in regulatory contexts - Law Commission consultation paper published

- The criminal law should only be employed to deal with wrongdoers who deserve the stigma associated with criminal conviction because they have engaged in seriously reprehensible conduct. It should not be used as the primary means of promoting regulatory objectives.
- Harm done or risked should be regarded as serious enough to warrant criminalisation only if, (a) in some circumstances (not just extreme circumstances), an individual could justifiably be sent to prison for a first offence, or (b) an unlimited fine is necessary to address the seriousness of
the wrongdoing in issue, and its consequences. - Criminal offences should, along with the civil measures that accompany them, form a hierarchy of seriousness.
- Legislation should include specific provisions in criminal
offences to indicate the basis on which companies may be found liable, but in the absence of such provisions, the courts should treat the question of how corporate fault may be established as a matter of statutory interpretation. We encourage the courts not to presume that the identification doctrine applies when interpreting the scope of criminal offences applicable to companies. - When it is appropriate to provide that individual directors (or equivalent officers) can themselves be liable for an offence committed by their company, on the basis that they consented or connived at the company’s commission of that offence, the provision in question should not be extended to include instances in which the company’s offence is attributable to neglect on the part of an individual director or equivalent person.
For further information see: Commission press release (pdf) | overview of consultation paper (pdf) |
criminal law,
england and wales,
law commission,
Thursday, 26 August 2010
USA: proxy access rules approved by SEC

... companies will be required to include shareholder nominees for director in the company's proxy materials, if the shareholder meets certain conditions, and if the shareholders are not otherwise prohibited — either by applicable state or foreign law or a company's governing documents — from nominating a candidate for election as a director.The rule applies to all Exchange Act reporting companies, including investment companies, other than companies whose only public securities are debt securities. 'Smaller reporting companies' are subject to the rule, but it does not apply to them until after a three-year phase-in period. Foreign companies that come within the definition of 'foreign private issuer' are not currently subject to the SEC's proxy rules and would not be subject to these new rules. Foreign companies that do not qualify as foreign private issuers would be subject to the rules.
Shareholders will be eligible to have their nominee included in the proxy materials if:
- They own at least 3 percent of the total voting power of the company's securities that are entitled to be voted on the election of directors at the annual meeting. Shareholders will be able to aggregate holdings to meet this threshold.
- Shareholders will be required to have held their shares for at least three years and will be required to continue to own at least the required amount of securities through the date of the meeting at which directors are elected.
- Shareholders will not be eligible to use the rule if they are holding the securities for the purpose of changing control of the company, or to gain a number of seats on the board of directors that exceeds the number of nominees a company is required to include under new Rule 14a-11".
shareholder rights,
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
UK: FSA discussion paper: the prudential regime for trading activities - a fundamental review

In July 2009, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) agreed a range of amendments to the Basel II market risk framework, targeting specific weaknesses highlighted by the financial crisis [see here]. On average, these changes will increase the capital held against trading activities in large banks to more than three times current levels. Trading activities have grown enormously in recent years, and the financial crisis was in part triggered by losses crystallised in the trading books of large banks. It is therefore necessary to build on the changes already in progress with a re-appraisal of the prudential approach to trading activities, dealing with the arbitrages and mis-specifications of risk that continue to exist and complementing the many other areas of financial reform currently under consideration.We expressed this view in The Turner Review where we called for a ‘Fundamental Review’ of the prudential regime for trading activities. This Discussion Paper (DP) follows up The Turner Review with a detailed discussion of the issues that we think should form part of the Fundamental Review which is now being developed internationally by the BCBS".
basel committee,
financial regulation,
uk fsa
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
UK: interim management statements - Deloitte survey

Only 28% of corporates clearly met the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) on the content of second halves interim management statements (IMS) ... this result is a marked improvement on the first half IMS for which only 15% did so.
Deloitte’s survey of 100 corporates contained 34, 33 and 33 companies from the top 350, middle group and smallest 350 companies by market capitalisation. 30 investment trusts, spread equally across these three groups, were also surveyed. The survey examined second half IMSs and compared these with those issued in the first half of the year by the same companies".
interim management statements,
Monday, 23 August 2010
UK: what has corporate law reform achieved?

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is also conducting its own evaluation of the 2006 Act: see here.
Friday, 20 August 2010
Europe: corporate governance in financial institutions - ecoDa's response to Commission Green Paper

Whereas the accompanying working document [here, pdf] presents a nuanced assessment of the role of different governance actors, the Green Paper should be more balanced in its description of the role of directors in failing to prevent the financial crisis. In contrast, it underplays the impact of macroeconomic factors and the unsatisfactory role played by other corporate governance actors, such as regulators, financial supervisors and shareholders. Many investors did not invest the time or resources to provide effective oversight".
Thursday, 19 August 2010
UK: FRRP annual report published

The Panel found improvements in the general quality of IFRS reporting although with regard to capital management and share‐based payment disclosures, reporting was sometimes poor in terms of content, extent and usefulness. The Panel also had concerns with the quality of reports and accounts of some smaller listed and AIM quoted companies. Interestingly, the report contains a couple of pages dedicated to explaining what makes a "good set of accounts" (see pages 2 and 3).
The Panel's remit was extended last year to include monitoring company's compliance with the FSA Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules (DTR) 7.1.5 and 7.2 relating, respectively, to audit committees and corporate governance statements. In this regard the Panel examined a sample of 30 accounts and found clear room for improvement; to quote from pages 7 and 8:
.. all provided a corporate governance statement and gave information on the composition and operation of their board and of their nomination, remuneration and audit committees as required by the rules. Companies that did not apply all the provisions of the Combined Code generally provided an explanation for the departures, although these could have been clearer at times. The areas of the code most often not complied with related to board balance and independence ...
Most companies provided some explanation of the key features of the internal control and risk management systems in relation to their financial reporting process although the level of detail provided was variable. Some companies provided boiler‐plate descriptions of their budgeting process while others had not adjusted their descriptions of the key features of their internal control system to focus specifically on the financial reporting process, as now required by 7.2.5. Few companies referred to the preparation of the consolidated accounts despite DTR 7.2.10 requiring a description to be given of the main features of the group’s internal control and risk management systems in relation to the process for preparing consolidated accounts".
ECGI summer 2010 research newsletter published

Wednesday, 18 August 2010
New Zealand: Securities Commission annual report published

In September 2009, the Report on the Effectiveness of New Zealand's Securities Commission [here, pdf] was published by two independent experts ... Their key findings were that the Commission was an efficient and effective organisation within the constraints of its funding and legislative remit. The report concluded that New Zealand securities regulation has been hampered by the Securities Commission's narrow mandate, and limited powers and funding. This view reflects the Commission's own and the recommendations we have consistently made to government in recent years.
Consequently, the Commission has actively supported the process of regulatory reform over the past 12 months, working with the Capital Market Development Taskforce and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED). Like many other New Zealanders, I am enthusiastic about the potential of the new Financial Markets Authority (FMA) when it takes over the functions of the Securities Commission in 2011. It will combine the functions of the Securities Commission with some regulatory functions of the Companies Office, the MED's National Enforcement Unit, the Government Actuary and NZX".
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
UK: England and Wales: protecting client money

Chapter 7 of the Clients Assets Sourcebook (“CASS 7”), issued by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) under s 139 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, created a statutory trust in respect of client money (obtained by an investment firm for the purposes of its investment business on behalf of those clients) which arose immediately on receipt of that client money and not when it was paid into a segregated account".
It is also worth noting this summary of CASS7 provided by Arden LJ in her judgment (at para. [77]):
CASS7 is a code for dealing with client money but is not a substitute for, or a codification of, the general law. The default rules of the general law of trust may fill in gaps and provide additional remedies in the protection for investors provided by CASS7. The principle of pari passu distribution also forms part of the legal background which the court must keep well in mind".
england and wales,
financial regulation,
fsa handbook,
uk fsa
Monday, 16 August 2010
Europe: Commission proposes amendments to the Financial Conglomerates Directive

UK: FTSE100 board gender diversity

Friday, 13 August 2010
Ireland: company law reform update

It is understood that the new Bill is unlikely to be published before the end of 2011 and although it is disappointing that the process is taking so long, it is, I believe more important that it is done properly. The Bill is likely to be the largest single enactment in the history of the State and whilst company law in Ireland is no less complex than it is in the United Kingdom the reality is that the State’s resources are fewer and have been stretched even further by the work needed on two Companies Bills prepared in 2009 as well as a significant number of complex legislative enactments addressing the crisis in Irish banking".
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Mexico: Código de Mejores Prácticas Corporativas 2010

Wednesday, 11 August 2010
UK: concerns over shortage of non-executives are misplaced says FRC chief executive

board of directors,
non-executive director,
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
UK: OFT confirms scope of equity underwriting study

The OFT will be examining the way that the underwriting market works and will assess whether there is potential for improving the way it functions. This will involve considering how underwriting services are purchased and provided and the affects of regulation in this regard.
The study will focus specifically on equity underwriting services for the different types of share issue used by listed companies to raise capital in the UK, including rights issues, placings and other types of follow-on offer. The study will be limited to equity issues carried out by FTSE 350 listed firms and will not examine Initial Public Offerings.
Further information is available here.
equity underwriting,
share capital,
Monday, 9 August 2010
UK: gender equality on listed company boards - the Davies review launched

To consider options for promoting gender equality on the Boards of listed companies. In doing so to consider the obstacles to women becoming directors of listed company boards including looking at existing research about women on listed company boards and recent developments in international practice and to make proposals on what action should be taken to improve the position. It should involve interested parties including Board members, executive search firms, investors and other interested parties in considering proposals for change. The business strategy will be presented jointly to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Minister for Women and Equalities. The business strategy should deliver a set of recommendations with supporting material outlining the thinking behind the recommendations and the views of key interested parties. The final recommendations should be provided by December 2010".
board diversity,
board of directors,
Friday, 6 August 2010
United Nations corporate law project

UK: England and Wales: the director's duty of reasonable skill, care and diligence

The trial judge, Lewison J., was not prepared to find that the directors had breached Section 174, noting the system of due diligence in place and the fact that evidence concerning industry practice had been provided by only one individual. With regard to the Section 174 duty, Lewison J. observed (at para. [198]):
In deciding whether directors have fallen short of their duty of skill and care, particularly where the breach of duty concerns the precise way in which the business is run, evidence of what is normal in the field of commerce in which the company operates is of considerable relevance. Although it is only an analogy, in Sansom & Or v Metcalfe Hambleton & Co [1998] 2 EGLR 103 (which was a case of alleged professional negligence) Butler-Sloss LJ said:"In my judgment, it is clear, from both lines of authority to which I have referred, that a court should be slow to find a professionally qualified man guilty of a breach of his duty of skill and care towards a client (or third party) without evidence from those within the same profession as to the standard expected on the facts of the case and the failure of the professionally qualified man to measure up to that standard. It is not an absolute rule, as Sachs LJ indicated by his example, but, unless it is an obvious case, in the absence of the relevant expert evidence the claim will not be proved."
companies act 2006,
directors' duties,
england and wales,
Thursday, 5 August 2010
UK: 'Auditor scepticism: raising the bar' - APB discussion paper

Audit is essential to public and investor confidence in companies. It is far from easy to do well, requiring judgement and technical competence, often in complex circumstances. This paper discusses the degree of scepticism that auditors need to apply to conduct an audit to a high standard. .... The application of an appropriate degree of professional scepticism is a crucial skill for auditors. Unless auditors are prepared to challenge management’s assertions they will not act as a deterrence to fraud nor be able to confirm, with confidence, that a company’s financial statements give a true and fair view. However, scepticism can be taken too far; challenging everything in a well run company will slow down the publication of its financial statements and risks unnecessary costs".
UK: the Companies House annual report, new companies and company secretary appointments

Germany: the Act on the Prevention of Improper Securities and Derivatives Transactions

financial regulation,
short selling
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
UK: review of certain aspects of takeover regulation - Law Society response

In its submission, available here (pdf), the Working Party responds to the consultation questions but also offers some further suggestions for topics to be considered if there is to be a debate on the suitability of the current UK structure, including, for example, defence tactics:
In a variety of major jurisdictions, including the US and Germany, boards of offeree companies have considerably greater say in whether or not a bid may proceed, or at least in the timing of any hostile bid's success. In looking at the checks and balances between offerors and offerees, it seems odd to leave out consideration of the board's powers available in other sophisticated regimes. Whether such board rights achieve better economic or other outcomes and if so for whom, or do so at a justifiable cost, is a matter for further consideration by others better qualified to make these judgements. They do however potentially have significant negative impact on shareholder democracy".
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
UK: takeover regulation review - GC100 response

We believe that the Code has served its purpose well and generally do not see the need for wholesale change in the approach of the Panel or provisions of the Code at this stage. However, the Code should keep pace with the way takeover practice evolves, and, in particular, we believe that the opportunity should be taken to think whether shareholders get the right information, advice and time to consider what action they should take in order to decide whether to accept or reject an offer. We also suggest that the opportunity should be taken to review whether the Code’s timetable and disclosure requirements can be more consistently aligned with the requirements of other jurisdictions".
takeover code,
takeover panel,
Ireland: consultation on proposed corporate governance standards for banks and insurance companies

Monday, 2 August 2010
UK: the future of narrative reporting - BIS consultation paper published

This consultation is looking at how the narrative reporting framework is working in practice. How well are companies complying with the existing requirements? Are they focusing on their strategy, their principal risks and uncertainties and providing the right quality of relevant information on these matters to enable their members to hold them to account? Are shareholders actually using the information that companies provide? Do narrative reports generally reflect the intentions and spirit underlying the statutory framework? Are there ways to improve the narrative reporting framework as a whole?
The consultation focuses in particular on the business review provisions. In this context, the Coalition commitment to reinstate an Operating and Financial Review to ensure that directors’ social and environmental duties have to be covered in company reporting and investigate further ways of improving corporate accountability and transparency is particularly relevant. It also considers issues relating to remuneration, and in particular to the link between performance criteria for payment to directors and the company’s objectives and performance".
UK: England and Wales: competition law, undertakings and separate legal personality

Once the Commission of the European Communities had found that an undertaking had participated in anti-competitive practices the undertaking could not rely on the English domestic law concept of separate corporate entity to argue that the undertaking as a whole or a parent company in the group had not participated in those practices. Where it was alleged in a claim against the defendants that representatives of those alleged to have been party to the anti-competitive behaviour had had discussions to co-ordinate that behaviour and that those discussions had led to each of the defendants co-ordinating their anti-competitive behaviour, that was sufficient to allow the claim against the defendants to continue even if none of the defendants fined by the commission was domiciled in England.
LONGMORE LJ giving the judgment of the court said that in English domestic law, which proceeded on the basis that corporate bodies are all separate legal personalities, one could not say that the act of one company in a group of companies, all controlled by a holding company, was automatically the act of any other company in that group. The position in EU law was however, different at least in the area of competition law and alleged breaches of art 81EC of the EC Treaty [now Article 101 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, see here (pdf)]. What concerned EU law was the activity of 'undertakings' which might comprise a number of separate corporate entities. The question under art 81EC was whether an 'undertaking' had participated in anti-competitive practices and it would not avail the undertaking to say that because a corporate entity which was part of the undertaking was a party to anti-competitive practices, either the undertaking as a whole or a parent company in the group did not participate in those practices. Otherwise evasion of art 81EC would be too easy".
UK: Insolvency Service consults on proposal for a restructuring moratorium

The moratorium is intended to help companies where the core business is viable but, in order to avoid the prospect of future financial distress or even insolvency, there is nevertheless the need to reach some form of compromise or restructuring. It would provide those companies with the option of a protected breathing space, during which a restructuring could be negotiated and agreed".
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