Monday, 31 May 2010
Europe: the Transparency Directive - report and consultation

Friday, 28 May 2010
UK: revised Corporate Governance Code published

A short summary of some of the changes included in the new edition is provided in the accompanying press release and more detailed information is available in the report on the consultation process leading to the publication of the new Code: see here (pdf).
The changes include a new provision (B.7.1) concerning directors' election: "All directors of FTSE350 companies should be subject to annual election by shareholders". With regard to gender diversity, a new supporting principle provides that "[t]he search for board candidates should be conducted, and appointments made, on merit, against objective criteria and with due regard for the benefits of diversity on the board, including gender".
In its press release, the FRC states that it intends to publish its Stewardship Code for Institutional Investors by the end of next month. Further background on the review leading to the new Code is available here.
combined code,
stewardship code,
uk corporate governance code
South Korea: the Code of Best Practices for Corporate Governance

Thursday, 27 May 2010
Canada: financial regulation reform - proposed Securities Act published

The CSRA's objectives include:
- Protecting investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices.
- Fostering fair, efficient and competitive capital markets in which the public has confidence.
- Contributing, as part of the Canadian financial regulatory framework, to the integrity and stability of the financial system.
The Government's intention is that the CSRA should be established and operating across participating provinces and territories within three years. This will require the provinces and territories to opt-in. The transition is being led by the Securities Transition Office and a transition plan will be published in July. Meanwhile, the Government has referred the Act to the Supreme Court of Canada for an opinion as to whether it falls within the legislative authority of Canada's Parliament.
An overview of the proposed Act is available here and further information is available here. The Government's proposals build on the recommendations of the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation, which published its final report in 2009: see here.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
UK: Rule 19.1 of the Takeover Code and public criticism for Kraft

Rule 19.1 provides that "[e]ach document or advertisement published, or statement made, during the course of an offer must be prepared with the highest standards of care and accuracy and the information given must be adequately and fairly presented". During the course of its bid for Cadbury plc, Kraft had stated, on the basis of an honest and genuine belief, that it could keep operational one of Cadbury's factories (Somerdale).
In its statement, the Executive observed that Rule 19.1 was of "great importance" and "fundamental to ensuring the orderly conduct of takeovers" and that where a party to an offer makes a statement of belief of the kind made by Kraft, Rule 19.1 required "not only that the party concerned honestly and genuinely holds that belief (a subjective test) but also that it has a reasonable basis for so holding that belief (an objective test)".
The Executive accepted that Kraft held an honest and genuine belief that it could keep Somerdale operational. However, the Panel found that Kraft did not have a reasonable basis for holding this view because it did not know the details of Cadbury’s phased closure of Somerdale. Moreover, Kraft did not seek further information, or take the opportunity to take mitigating action in respect of its statements, when it learned, from Cadbury representatives, that the phased closure of Somerdale was well advanced.
takeover code,
takeover panel,
Europe: bank resolution funds - Commission proposal published

A clear political message that emerged from the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh in September 2009, strongly backed by the EU, is that taxpayers' money should not be used again to cover bank losses. The European Commission is working to achieve this in at least two complementary ways: i) by reducing the probability of banking failure through stronger macro and micro-economic supervision, better corporate governance and tighter regulatory standards and; ii) by ensuring that, if in spite of these measures failure does occur, appropriate tools including sufficient resources are available for orderly and timely resolution. The establishment of resolution funds constituted from private sector sources are an important part of this response.
The Commission supports the establishment of ex ante resolution funds, funded by a levy on banks, to facilitate the resolution of failing banks in ways which avoid contagion, allow the bank to be wound down in an orderly manner and in a timeframe which avoids the "fire sale" of assets ("principe de prevoyance"). The Commission believes that resolution funds are a necessary part of the toolbox of several different measures that will be included in the new EU crisis management framework seeking to mitigate the burden on taxpayers and minimize – or better still eliminate - future reliance on taxpayer funds to bail out banks".
The Commission's proposals will be discussed at the forthcoming European Council and presented at the G-20 Summit in Toronto next month. Further information is available in the Commission's press release and FAQs. A recording of the Commission's press conference, which included a question and answer session, is also available here (the video will play automatically in French but the language can be changed to English).
Australia: the Corporations Amendment (No 1) Bill 2010 - draft published

Tuesday, 25 May 2010
UK: The Queen's speech - the Financial Services Regulation Bill

It's fair to say that the exact boundaries of responsibility between the Financial Services Authority and the Bank of England under the proposed regime will remain uncertain until further information is provided by the Government, not least because the terms 'macro-prudential' and 'micro-prudential' lack a precise definition and have changed over time. Further discussion of the meaning of 'macro-prudential' appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Bank for International Settlements Quarterly Review: see here (pdf).
UK: boards and gender diversity

... the number of women in FTSE 100 companies dropped 5pc in 2009. There were just 29 female executive directors, down one from 30 in 2008. Across the FTSE 250 there were just 39 women directors out of 950, although the figure rose from in 2008".
Monday, 24 May 2010
UK: annual election for directors? - what the papers say

USA: 'say on pay' vote at the Motorola general meeting

The abstentions were included in determining whether the resolution was passed because the company's bylaws (Section 4, page 5; available here, pdf) provided that "the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on the subject matter shall be the act of the stockholders, except as otherwise required by Delaware law, the Certificate of Incorporation, or these Bylaws".
In the absence of such a provision a default rule is provided by Section 216(2) of the Delaware General Corporations Law as follows: "[in] all matters other than the election of directors, the affirmative vote of the majority of shares present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on the subject matter shall be the act of the stockholders". For judicial discussion of Section 216, see Licht v. Storage Technology Corp., et al. (C.A. No. 524-N, 2005): here (pdf).
Friday, 21 May 2010
USA: the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010

Australia: directors' guidance - CAMAC report published

CAMAC published its findings and report this week: see here (pdf). The Committee rejected the case for a new code of conduct for directors but nevertheless stated that efforts to assist directors to understand their role and responsibilities should be pursued. The Committee also recommended that the Australian Securities Exchange should review its corporate governance principles and recommendations in the light of international developments.
It should be noted that CAMAC did not undertake empirical research to assess whether directors in Australia understand their role and responsibilities.
board of directors,
non-executive director
UK: Supreme Court considers derivative actions

Thursday, 20 May 2010
UK: annual election for directors?

The newspaper also reports that in a lecture given last night, Sir David Walker stated that he now supported the annual election of the whole board. In his recent report concerning bank governance (here, pdf), Sir David recommended that the chairman should face annual election, with the board keeping "under review the possibility of transitioning to annual election of all board members".
UK: the Coalition's programme for Government - governance and financial regulation

- Reinstate an Operating and Financial Review to ensure that directors’ social and environmental duties have to be covered in company reporting, and investigate further ways of improving corporate accountability and transparency.
- Make it easier for people to set up new enterprises by cutting the time it takes to start a new business ... reduce the number of forms needed to register a new business and move towards a 'one click' registration model.
- Look to promote gender equality on the boards of listed companies. [note: the Conservatives' pre-election pledge - see here - to require the long list for public company directorship appointments to include 50 per cent female candidates, appears to have fallen by the wayside].
- Reform the regulatory system to avoid a repeat of the financial crisis ... bring forward proposals to give the Bank of England control of macro-prudential regulation and oversight of micro-prudential regulation [note: the FSA survives, despite the Conservatives' pre-election pledge for radical reform of the regulatory structure, but see the final point below].
- Bring forward detailed proposals for robust action to tackle unacceptable bonuses in the financial services sector.
- Create a single agency to take on the work of tackling serious economic crime that is currently done by, among others, the Serious Fraud Office, Financial Services Authority and Office of Fair Trading.
financial reporting,
non-financial reporting,
Europe: short selling measures - CESR updates summary of regulators' actions

Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Europe: the alternative investment fund managers directive

- to introduce a harmonised framework for monitoring and supervising the risks that alternative investment funds (e.g., hedge funds) pose to their investors, counterparties, other market participants and to financial stability
- allowing alternative investment fund managers to provide services and market EU funds throughout the EU single market, subject to compliance with strict requirements.
Further information about the agreed mandate is available here (pdf). The press conference can be watched here. On Monday, MEPs on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee agreed their position with regard to the proposed directive: see here. Interestingly, the MEPs agreed that naked short selling should be prohibited. Short selling is one of the matters currently being considered by the European Commission as part of its work on financial regulation.
alternative investment fund,
hedge fund,
short selling
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
UK: the FSA's approach to intensive supervision and corporate governance

... it is clear to us that the financial crisis exposed significant shortcomings in governance and management across numerous firms. And although poor governance was only one of many factors that contributed to the financial crisis, it was an important one. We are therefore looking closer at behaviour and culture in firms, particularly ensuring two key things: [1] that good culture and behaviours in firms is being driven by senior management; and [2] that good culture and behaviours are being reinforced by effective corporate governance and the role of the boards.
Through the crisis we have also seen examples where boards did not sufficiently challenge the executive or understand their firms’ business models and their inherent risks, and where boards did not simply receive the relevant management information to be able to carry out their important oversight role. Boards need to make sure they have the right people, asking the right questions, informed by the right information ... where this is not the case we will take action".
Europe: financial regulation reform

Further background information, with explanations for some of the abbreviations in the table, is available in the accompanying presentation: see here (pdf).
financial regulation,
short selling
Ireland: directors' duties and corporate groups

In upholding the restriction order, the Supreme Court considered directors' duties, the increased expectations placed on non-executive directors and the conflicts that can arise in corporate groups. With regard to directors' duties, the famous propositions in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Ltd. [1925] Ch 407 - including the statement that directors' responsibilities were of an intermittent nature - were described by the court as reflecting "the more relaxed standards of business in another age" (para. [73]).
The court made clear that where a company is part of a group, its directors must consider and act in the interests of each company. With regard to "group policy" in such structures, the court stated (para. [89]):
It may indeed be normal and permissible, within a group of companies, to take account of group policy. That does not mean that the property of one company can simply be transferred, at the behest of the parent, to another company in the group. That would be to ignore entirely the separate existence of each company".
With regard to non-executive directors, the court stated:
... non-executive directors of companies must be increasingly conscious in the times we live in that they cannot be mere ciphers or purveyors of votes at the whim of management. There was a time when even such a distinguished text as Gower (The Principles of Modern Company Law 3rd Ed. Stevens, London 1969 page 549) could state: 'public opinion has come to recognise that directorships are little more than sinecures, requiring, at the most, attendance at occasional board meetings.' The Act of 1990 itself evinces public concern that directorships involve real responsibility and that persons who do not conform at least to some generally acceptable minimum standards either should not, in the public interest, be permitted or should be restricted in regard to future holding of directorships".
Monday, 17 May 2010
Europe: Governance Forum publications

The minutes also provide an insight into the European Commission's forthcoming green paper on corporate governance, due to be published this month. To quote from the minutes:
As with the Walker report, some of the planned recommendations are specific for the financial services industry, others are also relevant for listed companies in general, for instance the recommendations with regard to shareholders. At this stage some recommendations are further developed than others, such as the recommendations on risk. No choices have been made yet as to whether and to what extent the recommendations should take the form of legislative measures. This will depend on the Commissioner's decision".
UK: Executive Pay Report 2010 published by Sunday Telegraph

FTSE100 chief executives saw their salaries fall an average 1pc in 2009, while cash bonuses and benefits were 28pc lower. However, share based incentives rose a mouth-watering 31pc, leaving total compensation 6pc higher at an average of £3.76m".
Friday, 14 May 2010
UK: stewardship code consultation - responses published

institutional shareholders,
stewardship code,
Belgium: new governance laws

executive pay,
UK: England and Wales: an investment company?

Last year, in the First-tier Tribunal (Tax) (see [2009] UKFTT 137 (TC)) it was held that the company was not an investment company, defined by Section 130 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act (1988) as "any company whose business consists wholly or mainly in the making of investments and the principal part of whose income is derived therefrom...". As such, the company was unable to deduct certain expenditure under Section 75 of the 1988 Act when calculating its profits for corporation tax purposes.
The company appealed. Mann J. heard the appeal and held that the company was an investment company although, for other reasons, the disputed expenditure was not deductible. In holding that the company was an investment company, Mann J. held that the First-tier Tribunal judge had incorrectly decided that the company's exercise of control over the subsidiaries was a trading activity. HMRC argued that the company's investment activity was ancillary to its main trading activity of providing services. Mann J rejected this argument because it failed to describe the company's raison d'être and the overall picture of its functions. He instead found that the company was "primarily a holding company ... which also happens to provide services to the rest of the group ... its main activity is being a holding company with a degree of real control over the rest of the group" (para. [39]).
corporation tax,
england and wales,
investment company,
Thursday, 13 May 2010
UK: SIG plc shareholders reject remuneration report

executive pay,
general meeting,
India: Supreme Court upholds constitutional validity of National Company Law Tribunal

The Company (Second Amendment) Act (2002) provided for establishment of the NCLT and NCLAT to take over certain functions performed by the High Court, Company Law Board, the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction and the Appellate Authority for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction. This followed the recommendations of the Eradi Committee, which found that the time taken to wind-up a company (often between 10 and 15 years) was largely due to the multiplicity of court proceedings required.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
UK: the Con-Lib coalition agreement and financial regulation

The parties agree that reform to the banking system is essential to avoid a repeat of Labour’s financial crisis, to promote a competitive economy, to sustain the recovery and to protect and sustain jobs. We agree that a banking levy will be introduced. We will seek a detailed agreement on implementation.
We agree to bring forward detailed proposals for robust action to tackle unacceptable bonuses in the financial services sector; in developing these proposals, we will ensure they are effective in reducing risk. We agree to bring forward detailed proposals to foster diversity, promote mutuals and create a more competitive banking industry.
The parties wish to reduce systemic risk in the banking system and will establish an independent commission to investigate the complex issue of separating retail and investment banking in a sustainable way; while recognising that this would take time to get right, the commission will be given an initial time frame of one year to report. The parties agree that the regulatory system needs reform to avoid a repeat of Labour’s financial crisis. We agree to bring forward proposals to give the Bank of England control of macro-prudential regulation and oversight of micro-prudential regulation".
bank of england,
financial regulation,
financial services,
France: recent developments

An increasing number of CAC40 companies that had previously adopted a system of management with a separate chairman and chief executive officer are now choosing to combine these roles under the authority of a single individual, while counterbalancing this concentration of power with the appointment of a 'senior independent director' (sometimes also referred to as a 'vice chairman' or 'reference director')".
Canada: governance at financial institutions

The speech provides some useful insights into governance in Canada as well as the actions being taken by the OSFI with regard to governance, including the assessment of board directors and the functions of the board with regard to risk, about which Mr Price observed:
At OSFI, we believe that defining financial risk appetite is as important in an institution’s strategic planning as other production inputs, like budgets. It has been long accepted that major expenditures and budgets should be reviewed by the board, but when it comes to setting risk appetite, some boards have, incorrectly, abdicated that responsibility to management. We believe that boards have an essential oversight role in setting and limiting risk appetite in financial institutions".
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Europe: financial supervision update

The EU's financial supervisory plans were beefed up by Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs on Monday, with new measures including a much bigger say for the nascent European Systemic Risk Board before and during crises affecting financial stability, direct EU supervision of systemically important financial institutions, the right to impose temporary bans on very risky financial products and the designation of two EU stability-assisting funds.
EU supervision must be much stronger than what the Commission and Council are proposing, in order to prevent the kind of slow and fragmented supervisory responses seen in the 2007-2008 crisis, said the committee, broadly backing the position of its rapporteurs.
If backed by Parliament as a whole, the committee vote will base all the proposed supervisory bodies in Frankfurt and make them part of a tightly-integrated system, replacing the looser network of supervisors in various European cities originally proposed.
Intensive talks now start between MEPs and the Council find a deal that satisfies both sides. It is hoped that this deal could then be put to a vote at Parliament's June plenary session. If the deal is done in June, then the bodies provided for in this package can be set up in 2011".
The Committee was due to vote on the proposed Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive but this will now take place on May 17 so that time is available to consider the opinion of the Legal Affairs Committee (available here, pdf).
financial regulation,
financial services,
hedge fund
Monday, 10 May 2010
UK: NAPF Corporate Governance Policy and Voting Guidelines for Investment Companies

Friday, 7 May 2010
Hong Kong: Companies Ordinance Rewrite - second consultation phase launched

hong kong,
remuneration report,
UK: England and Wales: wrongful trading and risk taking in the film industry

One interesting aspect of the case was the director's suggestion (in a witness statement) that his actions were not unusual and that because film-making was risky it was inevitable that creditors would be owed money when film companies failed. This received short shrift from the trial judge, who observed that the director's statement suggested "a remarkably low standard of corporate responsibility in the film industry as being normal. There is however in my view no special low standard for people in the film industry" (para. [105]).
insolvency act 1986,
insolvency law,
wrongful trading
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Saudi Arabia: Corporate Governance Regulations

The Xstrata plc annual general meeting

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Brazil: fourth edition of IBGC governance code published

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Bahrain: corporate governance code published

The code will initially apply to public companies but it is intended that it should, in due course, apply to all operating joint stock companies incorporated under the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law. The subject of enforcement is explained in the code's introduction. Whilst the code is based on the comply or explain approach, the introduction notes that market based monitoring alone is not sufficient and identifies other bodies and mechanisms which should perform this function including the Central Bank of Bahrain and shareholder litigation.
comply or explain,
executive pay,
UK: Financial Services Act 2010 - explanatory notes published

[a] Section 4 of the Act provides that HM Treasury "may make provision by regulations about the preparation, approval and disclosure of executives’ remuneration reports". An executive remuneration report is defined as one "containing information about (a) the remuneration of relevant executives of an authorised person, or (b) anything connected with the remuneration of relevant executives of an authorised person". The directors of a company authorised by the Financial Services Authority fall within the definition of relevant executives.
[b] Section 6 of the Act inserts a new section (139A) into the Financial Services and Markets Act (2000), which imposes a duty on the FSA to make rules requiring persons authorised under the FSMA, or a class of authorised persons identified in FSA rules, to have and implement a remuneration policy.
UK: England and Wales: Guernsey limited partnership not a company or 'hybrid' company

The administrators’ appointment had been made on Form 2.10B, which applied where the appointment was made in respect of a company. Mrs Justice Proudman held that a limited partnership was not a company under Guernsey law or within the definition of a company provided in Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986. Her Ladyship held that legislation was needed for the partnership to fall within the Schedule B1 definition. She also rejected the argument, based on a beneficent construction of the rules about prescribed forms, that the limited partnership should be regarded as a “hybrid” company because it was a body corporate with legal personality: "I do not think there is such a thing as a hybrid" she observed (para. [38]).
Monday, 3 May 2010
UK: election 2010 - women on company boards - more from the Conservatives

We will require the long list for directorship appointments to include 50 per cent female candidates. This will help ensure that companies recruit from a diverse pool of candidates. It will apply to executive directors as well as non-executive directors. We will require all non-executive director positions to be advertised to ensure that talented potential candidates have the chance to apply for boardroom vacancies".
Some questions and observations: do the Conservatives mean public companies or listed companies? What form will these rules take (board diversity is something being considered by the Financial Reporting Council as part of its review of the Combined Code)? Main Principle A.4 of the Combined Code provides that "[t]here should be a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the board". It does not, however, follow that board posts are advertised, a point recognised by Principle A.4.6:
A separate section of the annual report should describe the work of the nomination committee, including the process it has used in relation to board appointments. An explanation should be given if neither an external search consultancy nor open advertising has been used in the appointment of a chairman or a non-executive director".
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